
Unit 1 Feeling sick 课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:80次 大小:621126Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件19张PPT。 Unit 1 Feeling sickHello! I’m Tim. My favourite season is summer. Because I can go swimming. I don’t like spring. Because it is easy to get sick in spring.I’m sad. Because I’m feeling sick. So I should go to hospital. But I can’t walk to hospital, I should call 120.How does Tim go to hospital? He goes to hospital by ambulance.a hospitalan ambulance.Tim: Who can help me? doctorsnursesDoctor: What’s the matter with you?have a feverTim: I have a fever. What should I do? Doctor: You should take some medicine.take some medicineTim: What’s the matter with her?Doctor: She_____. Tim: What should she do ?Doctor: She should_____.In hospital, Tim sees a lot of sick people.have a coldgo to hospitalhas a coldgo to hospitalTim: What’s the matter with her?Doctor:_____.Tim: What should she do?Doctor:_____.In hospital, Tim sees a lot of sick people.have a headachehave a restShe has a headacheShe should have a restTim: _____?Doctor: _____.Tim: _____?Doctor: _____.In hospital, Tim sees a lot of sick people.have a stomachachego to a clinicTim: _____?Doctor: _____.Doctor: _____.Tim: _____ ?In hospital, Tim sees a lot of sick people.have a toothachetake an injectionDoctor: _____.Doctor: _____.In hospital, Tim sees a lot of sick people.Tim: _____?Tim: _____ ?have a cough眼疾嘴快 have a coldhave a feverhave a headachehave a stomachachetake some medicinehave a restgo to hospitalgo to a clinicTim feels boring(无聊) in hospital. He wants to play a game with you.Mother: _____? Tim: _____ Mother: _____? Tim: _____Tim’s mother looks after Tim in hospital. They are talking. some familiar disease SARS 非典 AIDS 爱滋病 chicken pox 水痘 brain fever 脑膜炎flu 流感I am OK now. I’m very happy, I want to sing a song.Mother, mother, I feel sick. Take me to the doctor today. Please come in and sit down. What’s your name? Are you OK? What’s the matter with you today? I have a fever. I have a cold. Please go home and stay in bed. Drink more water and have a rest. Take this medicine twice a day. Soon you can go out and play. Homework Look and write dialogues: Thank you for listening.Goodbye! Let’s draw Draw a dot. Draw a line. Draw a circle. Draw a square. Draw an oven. Draw a triangle. Draw a heart. Draw a star. Draw a retangle.回答问题: Who visits our school? 2. Howoften should we brush our teeth? 3. How should we clean our teeth? 4. What’s good for our teeth? 5. Are chocolate good for our teeth? The dentist visits our school.You should brush your teeth twice a day.Brush your teeth inside, outside and biting side surface. Always move the brush in small circle.Vegetables and fruit. No. they are no good for your teeth.

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