
山东省青州第三中学2017届高三一轮复习学案:人教新课标必修一Unit 5 Nelson Mandela(无答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:81次 大小:28152Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 Nelson Mandela 【Learning Aims】 1. To master the usage of the basic words and expressions in unit 5. 2. To enjoy our clas s and prepare for the college entrance examination. 【重难点】 单词、短语的准确运用,话题写作。 【学案用法指导】 范文背诵,复习识记课本单词、短语及句型的用法,进行自我检测,然后完成相关题目, 话题背诵 亮点词句诵读 I.单词回顾 1. devote _____ 2. devoted_____3. found _____4. peaceful _____5.lawyer _____ 6. guidance _____ 7. legal_____8. yout h _____9. league _____10. violence _____11. equal _____12. president_____ II. 短语填空 1. _____work 失业2. ___ a matter of fact 事实上3. blow___ 使充气;煤炸 4. ____trouble 在位险、痛苦.忧虑等的处境中5. turn___ 求助于;致力于6.set____ 设立;建立7. be_____ to 被判处……(刑) III. 完成句子 1. 他毕生为争取人们的平等权利而斗争。 He devoted himself to_____ (fight) for people and_____ (help) them get equal rights. 2. 他因为鼓励暴力反对反黑法律被判5年劳役。 He was sentenced to five years' hard labour for encouraging violence_____ anti-black laws. 3. 只有到这个时候我们才决定用暴力反对暴力 Only then_____ we _____ (decide) to answer violence with violence 话题作文背诵 【话题写作】 你校举办“我崇敬的人”征文比赛,请根据以下提示写一篇词数为100左右的短文,介绍南非 共和围前总统纳尔逊 曼德拉。 【要点提示】 1918年出生于南非的特兰斯凯附近 ;为黑人的权利斗争了50年;成立法律事务所,提供法律帮助,被判5年监禁;成立南非非洲人国民大会青年联盟;1993年获得诺贝尔和平奖;1994年当选南非总统。 【范文背诵】 Nelson Mandela was bor n near Transkei in South Africa in 1918. For almost 50 years, he devoted himself to fighting for black people and helping them get equal rights. As a black lawyer, he set up his law office to help those black people in trouble, and offered guidance to those out of work on their legal problems. In 1962,he was sentenced to five years’ hard labour for encouraging violence against anti-black laws. Only thcn did they decide to answer violence with violence. He founded the ANC Youth League. As a matter of fact, they didn’t want to turn to violence, but they couldn't make black and white people equal in a peaceful way. In 1993 Mandela won the Nobel Peace Prize and became President of South Africa a year later. 自主检测 I. 单词 【核心单词】不可不记 1. _____ (n.)质品质i性质2. _____ (adj.)吝啬的;自私的;卑鄙的 3. _____ (adj.)慷慨的;大方的 4. (vt.)建立;建设 5. (vi.) 逃脱;逃走;泄露 6. (n.)意见;看法;主张 7. _____ (adj.)积极的;活跃的→ _____ (adv.)积极地→_____ (n.)活动 8. _____ (adj. ) 自私的→_____ (adj.)无私的;忘我的 9. _____ (vt.)献身;专心于→_____ (adj.)忠实的;深爱的 10. _____ (adj.)怀有希望的;有希望的→_____ (n.)希望;愿望 11. _____ (adj.)乐意的;自愿的 →_____ (adj.)不自愿的;不乐意的 12. _____ (vt.) 教育;训练→_____ (adj.)受过教育的;有教养的 【高频单词】不可不知 13. _____ (n.)法则;原则;原理 14. _____(n.)人类 15. _____(n.)青年;青年时期 16. _____(n.) 亲属;亲戚 17. _____(n.)舞台;阶段;时期 18. _____ (vt. &vi.)投票;选举(n.) 投票;选票;表决 19. _____ (vt.)进攻;攻击;抨击 20. _____(adj.)和平的;平静的 ... ...

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