

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:47次 大小:3681662Byte 来源:二一课件通
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学员编号: 年 级: 八年级 课 时 数:3学员姓名: 辅导科目: 英语 学科教师: 授课类型 C U1-U3知识点梳理1 C U1-U3 知识点梳理2 T单元话题作文及语音 授课日期及时段 教学内容 强调人不在此处 32.How十形容词/副词(十主语十谓语) !33.be harmony with sth. /sb.和······融洽相处34. be proud of 为……感到自豪,后跟名词,代词或动名词。35. 1ook sth. up(在词典等中)查阅 leave sth.十地点介词短语 把某物忘在某处36. be lucky to do sth.很幸运做某事 ·37. Why not十名词/代词 为什么不是··· ··· 38. be open to sb.对某人开放 39. be surrounded by被······环绕40.数词十量词十形容词(long, wide, high等) ······米(长/宽/高等)To learn Japanese , she went to Japan .为了学习日语,她去了日本。_____You should work hard to get good grades . 为了取得好的成绩,你应该努力学习。_____We should eat lots of fruit and vegetables . 你应该吃大量的水果和蔬菜。_____That’s a forbidden zone . 那是禁区_____Beijing is in the north of China . 北京在中国北方。_____Now, let’s take a look at the picture first.现在,我们先看一看这张图片。_____I don't like both of them. 他们两个我并不都喜欢 。 (只喜欢其中一个) _____ Not everything is bad. 并不是所有的都是坏的 。 (还有好的) _____ Not a11 the ba1ls are red. 并不是所有的球都是红色的 。 (有的不是红色的)_____He always gets up early.他总是早起床。 _____ He doesn't always get up early. 他并不总是早起床。 _____ He never gets up early.他从不早起床。 _____What does the sentence mean 这个句子是什么意思?_____My family and I were lucky to have a good tour guide . 我和家人很幸运有一个好导游。_____I’m lucky to have a friend like you . 我很幸运拥有你这样一个朋友。_____I have no brothers. ==I don't have any brothers.我没有兄弟 。_____=_____The park is open to people . 公园对人们开放。_____This figure is30 meters high. =This is a figure of 30 meters high. 这是一座30米高的雕像。_____=_____There are so many books in our school library . 我们学校图书馆里有那么多书。_____My friend Mike has been there twice.我的朋友迈克已经去过那儿两次了 。 _____I have been to the USA.我去过美国。_____Mary has been to many places before.玛丽以前去过很多地方。_____-Where is Amy 艾米在哪儿 -She has gone to the library.她去了图书馆。_____The building is not in harmony with the environment around .这栋建筑物和周围的环境不协调。_____His parents are proud of him . 他的父母为他感到自豪。_____I’m proud of being a volunteer . 我成为一名志愿者而自豪。_____这节课我们学习了 _____,其所 需要注意的内容是_____. 佳句积累:1表示欢迎的句子:Welcome to ... ! We will give ... a warm welcome.2 表示天气的句子:It is snowy(sunny, rainy,cloudy,warm,wet, a little cold, a little warm, windy, windy and rainy).The highest (lowest) temperature will be ...3 表示建议的句子:You’d better take an umbrella.You’d better wear warm clothes(a pair of sunglasses).I will suggest that you should...Disable in body, while strong in mind.(身残志坚)More and more people are likely to study online more or less.There are many advantages of studying online as follows.It is very fast for us to solve study problems, sav ... ...

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