
Unit 1 Building the future 同步练习2(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:61次 大小:19870Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 Building the future 同步练习     时间:50分钟 Ⅰ.在下面的短文中填入合适的连接词或短语 With the development of science and technology,E books and online readings are becoming more and more popular. People nowadays can not only read online but also read on e dictionaries and even on mobile phones. They both have advantages and disadvantages. __1__,some of online readings are free of charge.__2__,it is easy to find what you want to read just by typing the title or key words.__3__,e readings don't use natural resources. __4__E books do have their disadvantages.__5__,they hurt your eyes if you read too long.__6__,you have to have a computer and it must get access to the Internet.__7__,you can't make notes on pages. Quite opposed to e reading,traditional reading won't hurt your eyes. You can write your ideas and thoughts just on pages. Besides that,you can keep your books as long as forever.__8__it really costs you money to buy them. And making paper for books wastes natural resources. In my opinion,history makes everything. In ancient times,the Chinese people used bamboo books. Maybe in the future,we will never have paper books. E books will be just as convenient. Ⅱ.在下列句子中填入一合适的连接词或短语 1.He was ill,_____ he didn't go to school. 2.He was lazy._____ of it,he didn't pass the exam. 3.Many people believe that hunger is only a problem in the developing world._____,it is a problem all over the world. 4.Our organization is working to raise money for the local homeless shelters._____,we are collecting clothing to give to those in need. 5.Geldof intended the concert to raise money for hunger relief and to make the public aware of the problem._____,$100 million was raised. Ⅲ.单项填空 1.Sorry,Madam. You'd better come tomorrow because it's_____ the visiting hours. A.during B.at C.beyond D.before 2.Heads from Asia and Europe attended the conference and President Hu_____ a speech on the first day. A.stated B.issued C.addressed D.delivered 3.She had to_____ her father's business after his death,though she didn't really want to continue it. A.carry out B.pick up C.set up D.carry on 4.—May I use your computer? —You_____ have my computer if you don't take care of it. A.shan't B.might not C.needn't D.shouldn't 5.Many Chinese shed tears at the Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony because many years passed_____ we realized our dream. A.when B.that C.before D.since 6._____this article and tell me what you think of it. A.Look up B.Look on C.Look into D.Look through 7.Practise every day at_____ career you are in,_____by doing so,you will see yourself,your business and your self confidence begin to grow. A.whatever;and B.no matter what;and C.no matter which;then D.whichever;only 8.—Mum,I'm afraid I failed again in the final exam. —_____.At least you have been working hard these days. A.Believe it or not B.No way C.Never mind D.Land on your feet 9.Johnson was rewarded with a ... ...

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