

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:58次 大小:843349Byte 来源:二一课件通
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七年级英语阅读训练(5) 完形填空 People in many countries are learning English. Some learn at school, others study by 1.A 2 learn English 3 the radio Why do all these people want to learn English It's difficult 4 that question. Many 5 learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. 6 people learn English because 7 useful for their work. Many stu ften learn English for their 8 studies because 9 the college some their be It is not 12 to learn a foreign language. But there is 13 difficult 14 the world if you 15 your heart into it A himself B C themselves D. ourselves B. little C. few of B. with 4. Aanswer B C answered D to answe 5.A. workers B boys and girls C. doctors DDDD D. scientists 6. A. Some B Much C. A lot D.A little Ait's B. its C theyre D. the 8.A lower C. shot 9.A. B. at C on 10. A. write wrote C are written D. is written IL.A B. with C D. from 12. A, free B. difficult 13. A something B anything C nothing D. some 14. A. in B c over D. of 15. A keep D. bring 阅读理解 Eating habits and health Our eating habits are very important for good health and a strong body There are times when most of us would rather eat sweets and ice-cream than meat and rice. Sweets and ice-cream are not bad for the stomach if we eat them at the end of the meal. If we eat them before a meal, they may take away our appetite. It is important for us to eat our meal at the same time each day. When we feel angry or excited, we may not want to eat. A long time ago, in England, some judges used to decide whether a an was telling truth by giving him some dry bread. If the man could not swallow the bread, it was sign that he wasnt telling the truth. He was telling lies. Although this seems very strange and foolish, it is indeed an excellent way of finding out the truth. A man who is worrying about something had difficulty in swallowing anything dry. Because when he is worrying, he loses his appetite and does not want to eat Why do you want to develop good eating habits Because we want to A be healthy B be happy C. eat more D save time 2. It is good to eat sweets and ice-cream B. before the meal C. when we want to D. when

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