
Unit 9 He’s kind to children 课件+教案

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:38次 大小:2725889Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 9 He's kind to children 1教学目标 1.能说出形容人物性格特点的单词。如:kind, friendly, smart, active,serious 2.能用英语描述一个人的外貌、性格特点。如:This is my father. He’s very active. This is my grandma.She looks serious,but she’s kind to me. 2学情分析 通过一年的高效课堂教学改革,大部分学生已经能合作及自主学习,但还有少部分学生因为基础差的问题而做不好预习这一步骤。 3重点难点 1 Master the key words and phrases. 2 Master the target sentences He/She is +adjective. Or He/She looks+adjective 4教学过程 4.1.1教学目标 1.能说出形容人物性格特点的单词。如:kind, friendly, smart, active,serious 2.能用英语描述一个人的外貌、性格特点。如:This is my father. He’s very active. This is my grandma.She looks serious,but she’s kind to me. 4.1.2学时重点 1 Master the key words and phrases. 2 Master the target sentences He/She is +adjective. Or He/She looks+adjective 4.1.3学时难点 能灵活运用He/She is +adjective. Or He/She looks+adjective 4.1.4教学活动 活动1【导入】Step 1 Warming up  1 Greet the students as usual 2 Free talk Who’s she? What does she look like?She has big eyes and round face.复习形容人的外貌的词汇与句子。 3.Review the antonym of adjective 4.展示学生的自主学习及检测学生的自主学习效果 活动2【讲授】Step 2 Presentation 1、(多媒体)Show a picture and say What does he like?他的性格是什么?让学生猜,帮助学生回答He is kind,并且教学kind. 2、Use the same way to teach the other key words“friendly, smart, active,serious.”Read aloud and ask students to repeat.Then ask students to read together . 3、Show the pictures quickly again, students say the words, then,play a game.(打地鼠)show the words quickly ,students read aloud,choose the winner. 活动3【活动】Step 3 Practice  1 (多媒体)Show a picture and ask What does he/she like? 他/她的性格是什么? 帮助学生回答He is kind,or He looks kind. Read aloud and ask students to repeat. Show the other pictures and ask students to describe He/She is ...... Or He/She looks ....... 2 Ask students to do pair work in class.eg A: kind B: He is kind,he looks kind. ....... Then ask several group to act out in class. 活动4【作业】Step 4 Consolidation 1总结所学句型He/She is my.....他/她是我的.... He/She is+adjectiveHe/She looks+adjective He/She has+noun 2 Encourage students to remember the key words of Band the target sentence of C 3 Homework 完成导学案的练习 4.2 第一课时导学案 4.2.1学习目标 【学习目标】 1. 会读写P42的单词及短语。 2. 掌握句型:—What does he like? —He is kind . —He looks kind. 3.学会描述人的性格。 4.2.2学时重点 1.学会描述人的性格。 2.掌握要点短语及句型。 4.2.3学时难点 能灵活运用要点短语描述人物性格 4.2.4教学活动 活动1【导入】一.预习指导与检测 一)预习指导 1、根据音标拼读P42描述人性格的形容词,并且能默写。 2、理解并背诵42页c的句型。 (二)预习检测 汉译英 亲切的 友好的 聪明的 活跃的 严肃的 活动2【导入】二、课堂导学 1、展示朗读B的单词。 2、默写B的的单词。 3、小组核对预习检测的答案并展示。 4、利用课件上的图画引出句型“--What does he/shelike? --He/She is…,he/she looks…. 并根据图画练习对话。 5、小 ... ...

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