
北京版小学英语三年级上册 Unit 2 October 1st is our National Day 单元测试(含听力音频与答案)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:26次 大小:1695597Byte 来源:二一课件通
预览图 0
    笔试部分(60分) 五、读一读,把单词和词组写在相应的图下面。(10分) 六、看图连线。(10分) 七、中英文互译。(8分) 1. November _____ 2. 十二月 _____ 3.足球 _____ 4. seventeenth _____ 5. 运动 _____ 6.第十九 _____ 7. October _____ 8. month _____ 八、找出划线部分发音不相同的单词。(12分) ( ) 1. A. short B. sport C. work ( ) 2. A. girl B. hair C. third ( ) 3. A. zoo B. cook C. book ( ) 4. A. foot B. moon C. food 九、选词填空。(8分) It’s _____ the nineteenth, and the animals are having a _____ day. The mouse is going to _____, and he can run fast. The dog is going to _____, and he can jump very high. 十、仿照例子,看图回答问题。(12分) 例:What’s the date today? It’s December the eighth. 1. What’s the date today? _____ 2. What’s the date today? _____ 例:Are you going to run a race? Yes, I am. 3. Are you going to do high jump? _____ 4. Are you going to do long jump? _____ 听力文字: 一、根据所听到的内容,在正确的句子前打“√”。 1. What is the date today? 2. It’s November the eighteenth. 3. Are you going to do high jump? 4. It’s Wednesday. 二、根据所听内容,把相应图片的序号填入括号内。 1. It’s October. 2. Are you going to do high jump? 3. Today is the December the twelfth. 4. I can skip

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