
新疆奎屯市第八中学人教版英语八年级上册课件:Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show (共40张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:86次 大小:16587136Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件40张PPT。greatest as you, smallest as me you show me what is deep as sea a little love ,a little kiss, a little heart a little give, all of little something these are memories. you make me cry, make me smile make me feel the love is ture you always stand by my side I don't want to say goodbye you make me cry, make me smile make me feel the joy of lover kissing you, thank you for all the love you always gave to me, oh I love you (Repeat) yes I do how you always do make me cry make me smile make me feel the love is ture you always stand by my side I don't want to say goodbye you make me cry make me smile make me feel the joy of lover kissing you thank you for all the love you always gave to me oh I love you to be with you A little loveUnit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? What’s he doing? Do you like watching TV?Learning aims:一.知识目标: 1. What do you think of …? 2. I love/ like/ don’t mind /don’t like / can’t stand … 二.能力目标: 围绕电视节目谈论不同程度的喜好,并发表见解。 三.情感目标: 尊重个性,尊重差异.What TV show is it ?talk showWhat TV show is it ?sports showWhat TV show is it ?game showWhat TV show is it ?soap operaWhat TV show is it ?sitcomsituation comedy What TV show is it ?newsWhat TV show is it ?talent showWhat TV show is it ?cartoonchallenge(要求:快速而准确说出者得)lovelikedon’t minddon’t likecan’t stand你能正确解读这些脸部表情吗?What do you think of News?I don’t mind it.How do you like news?What do you think of soap operas?I can’t stand them.How do you like soap operas?What do you think of talk shows?I don’t like them.How do you like talk shows?What do you think of game shows?I like them.How do you like game shows?What do you think of cartoons?I love them.How do you like cartoons?Pair work A: What do you think of … ?B : I … them /it.cartoonssitcomssports showstalk showsgame showsnewstalent showsloveslikesdoesn’t minddoesn’t likecan’t standWhat does he/she think of…?practice What does …think of…? She / He …Lv JinglinMao Lidantalk show_____ soap opera_____ sports show____ sitcom _____ game show_____ talent show____ news _____1atalk show_____ soap opera_____ sports show____ sitcom _____ game show_____ talent show____ news _____edacb1agfListen and number the shows (1-4) in the order your hear them. _____ talent show _____ talk show _____ soccer game _____ news1bListen and number the shows (1-4) in the order your hear them. _____ talent show _____ talk show _____ soccer game _____ news1b31422aListen to Lin Hui and Sally’s conversation. Number the TV shows(1—5) in the order you hear them._____sitcoms _____news _____game shows _____talk shows _____soap operas2aListen to Lin Hui and Sally’s conversation. Number the TV shows(1—5) in the order you hear them._____sitcoms _____news _____game shows _____talk shows _____soap operas124352bListen again. Complete the sentences.1.Sally likes to watch_____. 2.Lin Hui thinks she can learn_____ from sitcoms. 3.Sally thinks _____are more educational than sitcoms. 4.Sally l ... ...

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