

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:84次 大小:21803Byte 来源:二一课件通
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湖北省2017届九年级英语专题练习:固定短语(解析版 1、(2016?湖北襄阳)--Are you going to have a part time job during the summer vacation? --Yes.I think I shouldn't always _____ my parents since I've grown up.(  ) A.fight against B.argue with C.hear from D.depend on 【考点】动词短语. 【分析】--在暑假期间你会找一份兼职工作吗? --是的,我想我不应该总是依靠我的父母,因为我长大了. 【解答】答案:D fight against反对,对抗; argue with争辩,与…争论; hear from收到…的来信,听到;depend on依赖,依靠;根据上文Are you going to have a part time job during the summer vacation?在暑假期间你会找一份兼职工作吗?以及下文since I've grown up.因为我长大了.可知找兼职,是不想总依赖父母.应该用depend on依赖,依靠;故选:D. 2、(2016?湖北襄阳)--The American warships(军舰) have appeared near South China Sea Islands again. --We must let the Americans know clearly that the islands _____ China.(  ) A.come from B.belong to C.care about D.believe in 【考点】动词短语. 【分析】--美国军舰已经再次出现在中国南海群岛附近. --我们必须让美国人清楚地知道那岛些屿属于中国. 【解答】答案:B come from来自;belong to属于;care about 关心;believe in相信.根据题干The American warships(军舰) have appeared near South China Sea Islands again.可知句意为:美国军舰已经再次出现在中国南海群岛附近.这些岛屿是中国的,即属于中国.应该用belong to,属于,动词短语.故选:B. 3、(2016?湖北襄阳)--Who is Dave looking _____? --His mother.She's been in hospital for a few days.(  ) A.for B.after C.at D.up 【考点】动词短语. 【分析】--戴维在照看谁? --他的母亲.她已经住院好几天了. 【解答】答案:B look for寻找;look after照看,照顾;look at看;look up 在字典参考书中查找,向上看.根据题干She's been in hospital for a few days.她已经住院好几天了.住院需要照顾,应该用look after,照看,照顾;故选:B 4、(2016?武汉)--Why did she_____your invitation? --Because she had an important meeting to attend that day.(  ) A.turn down B.put away C.look up D.hand in 【考点】动词短语. 【分析】--她为什么拒绝你的邀请? --因为那天她有一个重要的会议要参加. 【解答】答案:A. turn down拒绝;put away放好,收起来;look up查找,向上看;hand in上交.根据Because she had an important meeting to attend that day,可知因为那天她有一个重要的会议要参加,所以她拒绝了你的邀请.turn down拒绝.故选A. 5、(2016?湖北襄阳)--Oh,my god.I _____ 2kg.this month. --Don't worry.It's normal for a growing teenage girl.(  ) A.put up B.put off C.put on D.put down 【考点】动词短语. 【分析】--哦,我的天啊.这个月体重增加了两千克. --不要担心.对于一个正在成长的十几岁的女孩很正常. 【解答】答案:C. put up张贴,举起;put off推迟;put on增加,穿上;put down放下.根据Oh,my god…2kg及It's normal for a growing teenage girl,可以推断这里应该是体重增加了两千克,put on增加,穿上.故选C 6、(2016?湖北襄阳)--I'm so tired after the long journey that I want to go to bed at once. --You'd better _____ first and then have a rest.(  ) A.take a walk B.take a message C.take a break D.take a shower ... ...

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