

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:78次 大小:442703Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    安徽和县2017高考英语阅读理解(一轮)选编及答案 阅读理解训练 (2015·山东省威海市二模) British planning exp erts are heading to China to advise on building cities that do not damage the environment. They will address mayors on the need to avoid U.S. Model by building dense(稠密的) cities with low carbon buildings and good public transport. Their visit follows a report warning that the road based U.S. Model could make climate change impossible to control. Europe's densely pop ulated cities, with strong public transport links, are held up as an example for China to follow. By good planning and spending a little more, livable new cities could be built with low carbon infrastructure(基础设施). In China many institutions are taking the climate more seriously than before and the traveling group from Britain's Town and Country Planning Association will meet officials from the Chinese government's economic research agency in a workshop on low carbon buildings. They will also mee t officers in fast growing Shenyang, which has more than six million inhabitants(居民). On another day they will present their ideas at the National Academy. Several of China's major cities suffer heavy traffic jams. Some of their leaders are now looking for new ideas to make cities more densely populated, while the mayors of some fast growing cities are hoping to build in a less energy consuming way. China also suf fers a crisis of agricultural land, so high density planning has many benefits. Kate Henderson said “As more and more people across the world move from rural to urban areas we must guarantee our cities grow stably.” This means delivering schools, parks and public transport alongside employment areas and housing. “We look forward to sharing our thinking on how Garden City principles can be applied—both to creating new cities and to renewing existing ones.” 文章大意:英国设计专家将来中国为我们建设环保而密集型的城市提供建议。 8.Why does the writer mention U.S. Model in the passage A.To show the advantages of Europe's Model. B.To enrich our knowledge about City Model. C.To tell us its disadvantages and give us a warning. D.To convey American experts' views on city planning. 答案:C 细节理解题。由第一段最后一句话 “...warning that the road based U.S. Model could make climate change impossible to control.”可知。 9.What is unique for Europe's densely populated cities A.The road based Model is good for the environment. B.It can speed up the growth of the newly built cities. C.Its inhabitants enjoy the convenience of the wide roads. D.Its designs focus on low carbon buildings and public transport. 答案:D 推理判断题。由第二段前两 句话“Europe's densely populated cities, with strong public transport links, are held up as an example for China to follow. By good planning and spending a little more, livable new cities could be built with low carbon infrastructure(基础设施).”可知。 10.What does the underlined word “they” in Para 3 refer to A.British planni ... ...

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