
Lesson 45 Be Yourself!教案

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:87次 大小:15569Byte 来源:二一课件通
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初中英语冀教版八年级上册第八单元 Lesson 45 Be Yourself ! 一、教材分析 1.单元及课文分析 本单元围绕“自己”展开话题,通过让人不断地发现自己的特长与特点,从而更加自信。本课分为两部分,第一部分属于求助部分,第二部分属于答疑解惑及精神上支持的部分。 2.教学重点:正确拼读本课单词,能流利朗读课文,并能用所学重点短语造句。 3.教学难点:更深层次地用英语剖析自己。 二、教学目标 1.知识目标: 能听懂并会说单词:average, stupid, smart, impossible, weak, mirror 2.能力目标: 能根据所学区分except, except for, besides 3.情感目标: 每个人都有强项与弱项,我们要正确地看待它们,用一种积极的心态去面对它们,勇往直前。每一个人都是独一无二的,都有他的闪光点。 三、教学准备 PPT、录音机 四、教学过程 Step I Class Opening (5分钟) (课前准备时就开始播放英文歌曲be yourself,并出示歌词。) Show them some pictures about some invents, and ask them to say something about the pictures. 【设计思路】这些照片中的主人公都是我们身边所熟悉的,一是显得亲切,二是更具有说服力,为之后的情感目标“每一个人都是独一无二的,都有他的闪光点”打下基础。 Step II New Concepts (35分钟) New Words 以个人为单位PK新单词的认读与英汉互译。 词语运用 average smart weak impossible mirror stupid 1. She's too _____ to feed herself. 2. It was _____of you to take a map with you. 3. It's _____of you to make the same mistake again. 4. Look in the _____and smile at yourself every day. 5. I am sure it is a (n)_____goal for him. 6. Temperature is above _____for the time of year. 【设计思路】 讲解+及时测试 Part One Listen and fill in the blanks. Dear Sue, I'm a middle school student. I look very common. I get _____ grades in all of my subjects except English, but sometimes I make _____mistakes .My friend Lisa, however, is pretty and _____.She is good at everything. I want to be like her, but I know that's _____. I feel bad about myself. What can I do A Sad Girl from Washington 2. Read and tick What are the girl’s problems She thinks she looks very common. She doesn't do well in English. Sometimes she makes stupid mistakes. She doesn't have any friends. 3. Text Understanding a. listen and follow b. read as fast as you can c. translate d. key points e. practice (阅读五步走:跟读—速读—翻译—知识点—活学活用,并在其中以小组为单位加入竞争机制。) Part Two Read and tick What are Sue's suggestions ( )Talk to your parents or teacher. ( )Smile at yourself every day. ( ) Make plans for your dreams. ( ) Go to a doctor. ( ) Make a list of your strong points and read it every morning. Text understanding 步骤同Part One,但是加上了一个根据所给词语复述课文的环节,主要是为了增加写作素材,培养语感。 Step III Consolidation(4分钟) Let’s do it Part 3 【设计思路】有了Part Two 的复述作为基础,Let’s do it Part 3 只是一个检测过程,同时也为作业做了铺垫。 Step IV Class Closing (1分钟) Homework: Think what your strong points are, and write them down .Write as much as you can, and we will share them next class. 【设计思路】学有所用,把今天所学到的鼓励用语应用于写作,趁热打铁。 五、教学反思 Part Two的复述环节有一定的难度。在日后的教学过程中要多要 ... ...

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