
Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part B3 Read and write 课课通

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:99次 大小:59917Byte 来源:二一课件通
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【人教版(PEP)】六年级英语课课通 Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part B Read and write 一、你能帮下列短语找到自己的家吗? 二、单项选择 ( )1. How many _____ to go to school can you find?21·cn·jy·com A. way B. ways C. wayes2·1·c·n·j·y ( )2. You must drive _____. A. slow B. slowing C. slowly21·世纪*教育网 ( )3. Don't run _____ the ferry. A. on B. in C. under【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 ( )4. Don't let the dogs _____ too fast.【出处:21教育名师】 A. runs B. to run C. run21教育网 ( )5. Let me read _____ you. A. to B. for C. at【版权所有:21教育】 ( )6. In 2009,they went to school by plane because the ferry _____ work. A. didn't B. don't C. doesn't21教育名师原创作品 三、选词填空。 stop slowly on pay plane 1. Please _____ walking now. It's the red light. 2. New York is too far from China. We should get there by _____. 3. Please put the sleeping boy _____ the bed. 4. _____ attention to this sentence (句子). It's important(重要的). 5. You should ride the bike _____ at first. 四、根据问句选答句。 ( )1. How do you go shopping? A. It's a helmet. ( )2. What's this in English? B. It is near the hospital. ( )3. What can you do when the light is green? C. I go shopping by bike. ( )4. Where is your school? D. No, there isn't. ( )5. Is there a post office near your home? E. Go at a green light. 五、连词成句 1. foot, can, I, go, on, home(?) _____2-1-c-n-j-y 2. go, do, a, light, not, at, red(.) _____  21*cnjy*com 3. sled, fast, the, is, very(.) _____21cnjy.com 4. my, car, parents, go, to, the, by, zoo (. )【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 _____ 5. I, watch, TV, in, the, classroom, sometimes (. ) _____ 六、请圈出错误的部分并改正。 1. How does your brother goes to work? _____ 2. Do you often go to school in foot? _____ 3. Come too my home and play with me. _____ 4. we can fly kites in the park. _____ 5. I don't go to school because I can learn in home. _____ 6. Everyone in our school like going to school by sled. _____ 七、阅读对话,写出交通方式,完成下面的地图。 Mary: Let's go to the park this Saturday, Ann! Ann: Great! But how can I go to the park? Mary: First, come to my home by bike. Next, we can go to the bus stop on foot.21*cnjy*com Then we go to the park by bus. Ann: OK! I see. Goodbye! Mary: Bye! 参考答案 一. 5 2 3 1 4 二.1~6 BCACBA 三. 1. stop 2. plane 3. on 4. Pay 5. slowly21世纪教育网版权所有 四. 1~5 CAEBD 五. 1. Can I go home on foot? 2. Do not go at a red light. 3. The sled is very fast. 4. My parents go to the zoo by car. 5. Sometimes I watch TV in the classroom 六. 1. goes→go 2. in→on 3. too→to 4. we→We 5. in→at 6. like→likes 七、1. by bike 2. on foot 3. by bus

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