
【尖子生学案】2016年秋人教版七年级英语上册课件:Unit 8 When is your birthday (共33张PPT)

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课件33张PPT。Unit 8 When is your birthday?序数词技巧借鉴任务阅读针对训练课文点津妙笔生花写作范文写作指导尖子生语法探究名词所有格课本链接七年级英语·上 新目标 [人]一、序数词1.定义: 序数词是用来表示人或事物顺序的词。 2.基数词变为序数词的规律见下表基数词序数词→3.序数词的变化规律口诀: 第一、二、三特殊记(first,second,third), th从四起(fourth,fifth), 八去t,九去e,f来把ve替(eighth,ninth, twelfth), ty变为tie,然后再加th(twentieth,thirtieth), 想要变为几十几,只变个位就可以(thirty-first,fifty-sixth)。(1)英语中的日期常用序数词表达。 October the first is National Day.10月1日是国庆节。 4.序数词的用法(2)一般事物的编号,当数字较短时,既可用序数词,也可用基数词。 the first lesson/Lesson 1第1课 the forty-second page/Page 42 第42页 分子—基数词分母—序数词(3)表示分数时,分子常用基数词,而分母常用序数词。 a / one half 1/2(不用one second ) three fourths/three quarters 3/4 (1) 当序数词前有形容词性物主代词作定语时,不用定冠词the。?Linda is first in her class.琳达是班上的第一名。 ?He comes second every day.他每天第二个来。(2) 序数词在句中作表语或修饰动词时,其前不加定冠词the。 ?This is my second chance to go to Beijing.这是我第二次有机会去北京。5.注意事项: 返回 1.英语中有些名词,特别是表示有生命事物的名词,可以加“’s”表示所属关 系,名词的这种形式称为名词所有格。 2.名词所有格的变化规律见下表:二、名词所有格返回1.August is the    (eight)month of a year.? 2.Look at the picture.The     (two)girl is my sister.? 3.He is the     (twenty)in the test.? 4.Today is his     (forty)birthday.? 5.Sunday is the     (one)day of a week.?Ⅰ.用所给基数词的序数词填空eighthsecondtwentiethfirstfortieth6.This is      (李路的) book.? 7.—Are these      (学生们的) books interesting?? —Yes,they are. 8.They are in      (他们妈妈的) car.? 9.I often go to      (我姑姑的)house to have lunch.? 10.—Are these      (儿童的) books?? —No,they’re women’s books.Ⅱ.根据汉语提示完成句子Li Lu’sstudents’their mother’smy aunt’schildren’s11. (2015·邵阳中考)—What’s the date today? —It’s June     ,2015.? A.seventeen B.the seventeen C.the seventeenth C [提示:考查数词的用法。表示几月的第几日要用序数词。句意为“今天几号?”“2015年6月17日”,故选C。]Ⅲ.单项填空12.(2015·呼和浩特中考) Boys and girls,please turn to Page     and look at the     picture.? A.Fifth,five B.Five,five C.Fifth,fifth D.Five,fifthD [提示:考查数词的用法。第一空名词Page后应用基数词表示顺序;第二空名词picture之前应用序数词表示顺序,故选D。] 13.(2015·哈尔滨中考)It’s my     time to come to the bookstore this month because most of the book in it are my favorite.? A.forth B.four C.fourth C [提示:考查数词的用法。句意为“这是我这个月里第四次来这个书店了,因为这里大多数书我都喜欢”。fourth第四。由句意可知,此处应用序数词,故选C。]  14.(2015·武威中考)    mothers can’t go to the parents’ meeting because they are too busy.? A.Jack’s and Paul B.Jack’s and Paul’s C.Jack and Paul’s  D.Jack and Paul B [提示:考查名词所有格。句意为“杰克的母亲和保罗的母亲都不能去家长会了,因为她们都很忙”。mothers ... ...

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