
牛津译林版英语九上Unit8 Detective storiesStudy skills 教案+课件(2份打包)

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:51次 大小:4886644Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    《英语》(九年级上册) Unit 8 Detective stories Study skills I. Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. learn the way about how to read novels; 2. try to read some novels in class; 3. like to read some novels after class. II. Teaching contents 1. The way of reading a novel; 2. Read part of A Study in Scarlet and its background. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty Skimming. IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 What novels shall we read? Try to answer the following questions. T: Today we are going to talk about reading English novels. First, answer the following three questions, please. (1) Do you like reading novels? (2) Why do you like reading novels? (3) Tell me some English novels you’ve read. Students have a discussion and share their ideas. Recommend some English novels. T: Now, I am going to recommend some English novels to you. You can read these novels in your free time. (1) Alice in Wonderland (2) Gulliver’s Travels (3) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (4) A Tale of two cities (5) The Merchant of Venice Students listen to the introductions of these novels T: If you want to read some detective novels, you can read novels about Sherlock Holmes. A study in Scarlet is one of them. Step 2 How should we read novels? Choose a right way to read novels. T: I am going to show you two ways of reading. Which do you think is a better one? (1) Read word by word (2) Get the general idea Students choose a way and think about the reason. Step 3 Let’s read! Read the excerpt from the novel. T: Now let’s read. Try to get the answers to the four questions as quickly as possible. (1) Who was the murderer, a man or a woman? (2) What was the murderer like? (3) How was the murder done? (4) What is the meaning of “Rache” in German? Students read. 2. Read the brief introduction and Chapter 1 of the novel. V. Homework Read more novels after class.

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