
译林牛津版英语模块六Unit4 Helping people around the world Task 1教学设计

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:70次 大小:16917Byte 来源:二一课件通
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牛津高中英语教学设计 Thoughts on the design: 这个板块包括一系列训练学生听说读写各项技巧的活动。这些活动分三个步骤展开,在每一步骤的进行中,学生能在训练中发现问题所在、给泰国北部的穷苦儿童提出建议、讨论自己能为那些孩子做些什么,并写一份建议书给联合国儿童基金会。基本技能的培训从听力开始,这个是对学生基本功的考查;找出问题所在是训练学生的听和读的能力。第二步以小组讨论形式进行,培养学生的口语和交流能力。第三步写建议书是要训练学生的写作能力。所以整堂课采取以学生训练和小组讨论为主课堂讲授为辅的教学方式。 Teaching aims: After learning Task, the students will be able to: Learn how to listen for problems and the causes of the problems; Make suggestions, ask for opinions, express agreement or disagreement and make conclusions; Know the structure of a proposal and what should be included in a proposal. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead in (PPT 4-6) Ask the students to think about a best way to contact the UNICEF to help the poor children. When mentioning writing a Proposal, ask the students to discuss the basic elements of a formal proposal. Ask them to talk to each other about the preparations before writing a proposal. [Explanation] 设置这三个问题,是希望学生在学习一些新的技巧,完成一个任务之前,能够对要完成的任务有一个预设,并就自己的预设,通过讨论,形成一些观点,再从中找到完成任务最好的途径,为以下的skills building做好准备。 Step 2 Skills building 1: listening for problems and causes (PPT7-13) Ask the students to discuss about two questions before listening. Listen to the tape and find out about problems. [Explanation] 例如:在做正式听力之前预读instruction,通过听力方法的指导,预设重点,然后再开始放录音,这样以便于学生有的放矢。 Step 3 Skills building 2:discussing in groups (PPT14-17) Let the students know how to make suggestions, ask for opinions, express agreement or disagreement and make conclusions. Discuss they can do to help the poor children in northern Thailand. [Explanation] 第二步以小组讨论形式进行,主要任务是讨论如何帮助泰国北部的穷苦儿童,自己能为那些孩子做些什么,这一步骤的主要目的是培养学生的口语能力和交际能力。 Step 3 Skills building 3:composing a proposal (PPT18-19) 1. Ask students to recall the structure of a proposal, to make sure that they will include all points before writing. 2. Give students time to discuss the content of their future proposal, and then write a proposal in class. [Explanation] 学生虽然有一定的应用文写作经验,但给联合国儿童基金会写建议书还是第一次,所以首先要让学生掌握建议书的基本结构和必要组成部分及相关要求,出现任何错误都是正常的,然后让学生讨论着写作是比较好的策略。在这一部分,也可给出范文要求模仿写作,但学生通常都会怠于独立思考。 Language points 1. face 1) v. 面对,面向 Eg.I live in a house whose door faces north. I live in a house with its door facing north. 2)[T] 面临问题,(问题等)逼近 a)The company is facing a finacial problem. b)Facing difficulties,we should never give in. c)You're faced with a very difficult choice there. d)Faced with a finacial crisis,the country is having a hard time. 3)正视(问 ... ...

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