
模块10 Unit 2people on the move Reading 导学案(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:96次 大小:21193Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Subject Module10 Unit2 Reading: Population movement in the USA主备人: 审核人: Learning Objectives To learn about some characters of population movement in the USA 一、课文短语1.在迁徙中_____ 2.向南行进_____3.为…的家园 _____4.占据,组成,捏造_____5.作为…而出名_____6.为…给出各种理由_____7.除此以外_____ 8.讲得通;有意义_____9.满足某人需要_____10.为……而设计_____11.减少做…的风险_____12.对某人更有吸引力_____13.被……包围_____ 14.适应新环境_____15.毕业以后_____ 16.某人的亲骨肉_____17.选择做某事_____ 18.把…换成…_____19.异口同声地说_____20.朝……方向_____二、佳句填空1.在整个中西部和东北部地区,60岁及60岁以上的老人正在收拾他们的行囊,沿着高速公路向南行进。_____the Midwest and the Northeast, people _____are packing their bags and _____along the freeway.2.根据最近的全国人口调查,佛罗里达州65岁及以上年龄的人口最多。According to _____, Florida _____ the largest population of people aged 65 and over.3.人们给出各种理由,从希望得到更好的医疗保健到寻找适宜老年人的社区。People give _____ reasons, from _____ to _____.4.随着搬迁到那里的老年美国人增多,有了更多能照顾到他们需要的变化。_____, more changes are made to cater to them.5.流动的年轻人对把家从小城镇搬到城市给出了许多不同的理由。Young mobile adults give many different reasons for _____.一、同义句转换1. For some of these people the move is permanent, but for others it is only for a few months of the year.For some of these people the move is permanent, _____ for others it is only _____.2. This group makes up over 17 percent of the state’s population. This group _____ _____ over 17 percent of the state’s population.3. We prefer staying comfortable, and that’s why moving somewhere warmer makes sense.We prefer staying comfortable, _____ _____why moving somewhere warmer makes sense.4. We want to buy a house here because the community understands the needs of older people.We want to buy a house here because the community understands _____older people _____.5. Maybe I’ll move to a small town when I get married, but for now, I want to do something interesting.Maybe I’ll move to a small town when I get married, but for now, I want to _____ _____.二、句式仿写1. It is not surprising that Florida is known as the oldest place in the USA.(L10-11) ★ It’s surprising / strange/ a pity that sb. should do……(should 表示“竟然”,不可省略)(1) 真是遗憾她竟然错过了出国深造的机会。_____(2) 真是奇怪那么优秀的男生竟然没去上大学。_____2.The question is, though, why are so many people retiring and spending their pensions in Florida (L12-13) ★The question is ……问题是……(1)问题是他们打算付给你多少钱。 _____(2)问题是你真正地想干什么。_____.3. I’d love to stay in the community where I grew up, but there are no good jobs. I have to go where the big companies are because I want to be a successful accountant, not a clerk. or a waitress.(L51-52)★第一个where 引导定语从句,修饰先行词community. e.g. 你最好在有问题的地方做一个记号。 _____★第二个where 意思是 “在……的地方;去……的地方”, 引导地点状语从句。 e.g.(1) 他决定 ... ...

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