
Unit 1 Did you come back yesterday? 课件+音频

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:18次 大小:10121905Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件46张PPT。Unit 1Did you come back yesterday ?实验小学 王秋菊Where did you go in summer holidays?What did you do in summer holidays?I went to BeiJing.I met my old friend,Ding Feng.meet-- met 碰上,遇见I visited the Great Wall.I ate the BeiJing duck.动词过去式回来 come -- 去 go -- 遇见 meet -- 买 buy -- 跑 run -- 坐 do/does -- 有,吃 have/has -- 是 is/am -- 是 are -- 看见 see -- 带,拿 take -- 参观,拜访 visit -- camewentmetboughtrandidhadwasweresawtookvisitedLook and write.Yesterday, he _____ TV.watchedYesterday, he _____ his homework.didYesterday, she _____ to the park.walkedYesterday, he _____ the piano.playedYesterday, he _____ a car.washedFamous places of Londonthe Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫 英国的王宫 the Tower Bridge 伦敦塔桥 Big Ben 大本钟 大本钟是伦敦市的标志以及英国的象征, the Hyde park海德公园 伦敦眼是世界上首座、也曾经是世界最大的观景摩天轮。 the London Eye 伦敦眼 above 在……上方, 在……之上 ground 地面Listen and answer.Did Amy and Sam come back yesterday? last Sunday.No,they came backWhere did they go? the park.They went toRead .Amy: Hello, John. How are you?John: I’m fine, thank you. You’re back from China.Amy: Yes, we are home.John: Did you come back yesterday?从……回来回来Amy: No, we came back last Sunday. This is our Chinese friend, Lingling.John: Hello, Lingling.Lingling : Hi, John. Do you live in London too?John: Yes, I live near Amy and Sam.上个星期天居住在在……附近Lingling: Amy, look at those ice creams! Let’s buy some.John: This is your ice cream,Lingling.Lingling: Thank you.Sam: We’re going home now, John. Come with us.看…买bought和……一起 those 那 些 ice creams 冰 激 凌ice creamAmy: There’s our bus! Finish your ice cream, Lingling.John: Hurry up, Lingling.Run!Lingling: Oh no! I dropped my ice cream!John: Oh no! My new shoes.Lingling: Wait for me!吃完、用完、喝完等待……赶紧、赶快finish吃完Finish your cream .吃完你的冰激凌dropwaitdrop 过去式 droppedwait for hurry 赶快,匆忙 Hurry up! 快 点 After dialogues, answer these questions.Who did they meet? John.They metWhat did they buy?some ice creams.They boughtHow did they go home?by bus.They went homeWhat happened then ? Lingling dropped her ice cream.Listen and say.A: Did you come back yesterday?B: No, we came back last Sunday.Oh, no! I dropped my ice cream!Practice:A: Did you …(yesterday/last night...) B: Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. I… .Readice creamabovethose metgrounduswaithurry updroppedfinishReadDid you come back yesterday?We saw the city from above the ground.We came back last Sunday.Home workWrite the words for three times. Read the words for five times.

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