
译林牛津版英语模块十unit4 Law and order reading 教案和课件 (2份打包)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:44次 大小:975016Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Module 10 Unit 4 Law and order Reading Fight against cybercrime 教学案 【设计思想】 本课是阅读课,重点旨在培养和提高学生的阅读理解能力,在强调语篇阅读教学的同时,还结合材料指导学生运用定义法猜词这一阅读策略。通过教学环节的设计,加深对话题理解,再现重点语言知识, 提高语言的综合运用能力。 【教学目标】 1. To gain information about cybercrime by scanning and skimming the text 2. To understand the definitions of difficult vocabulary through the context 3. To raise students’s awareness of preventing and fighting cybercrime 【重点重难点】 How to complete the task-based reading How to apply the reading strategy Acquire some useful set phrases 【教学环节】 Step 1 Lead-in Get students to make a list of varieties of crimes and introduce the new popular crimes related to the Internet . Test students how much they know about cybercrime. Step 2 Before-class assignments checking Read the reading material and choose the best answer 1. Which one of the measures will NOT be taken to prevent online crimes? A. Educating people who use computers. B. Seeking international cooperation. C. Passing laws. D. Preventing people from using the Internet. 2. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. As the Internet develops, more kinds of crimes happen B. Cybercriminals are easily caught. C. Cybercrime has nothing to do with the real life. D. Cybercrimes are mostly committed by common surfers. 3. What is the present situation regarding cybercrime? A. Cybercrime is so new that the legal systems in many countries remain to be improved. B. All the countries have passed laws against cybercrime. C. It is easier to catch cybercriminals in Europe because visas are not required. D.All the governments are working together and cooperatively against cybercrime. 4. Which of the following should not be included in cybercrime? A. Crimes related to a lack of proper Internet security B. E-mail that try to cheat them of money C. Creating websites with offensive information D. Theft 5. Which of the following is not one of the necessary ways to fight against the cybercrime? A. Cooperation B. Legal system C. Visa management D. Improving online software Preview some new words.(重点单词及词形转换 ) 1.理论上的(adj.)_____→理论(n. )_____ 2牵涉,被卷入;(使)参与vt._____ 3.冒犯的, 极其讨厌的; 攻击性的(adj. ) . _____ →冒犯使……不愉快(vt.)_____ 4.仇恨(n.)_____→憎恨,不喜欢_____ 5. ____ (vt. & vi. )  泄露; 渗漏     (n. ) 漏洞, 裂缝; 泄露 4. _____ (n. )嫌疑犯, 可疑对象→_____ (vt. )怀疑(某人有罪); 怀疑(某事属实或可能发生, 尤指坏事) 5. _____ (vt. & vi. )   商定; 谈判, 协商 → _____ (n. )    谈判 6. _____ (vt. )评估; 估算→_____ (n. )评价, 评估 7. _____机密的,秘密的(adj.) 8._____(n. )申请者→_____ (v. )申请; 应用 合作(n.)_____→合作(vi.)_____ Step 3 Reading for main ideas Part 1 (Para.1) The topic of the speech Part 2 (Para.2) Definition and categories of cybercrime Part 3 (Para.3-6) The severe problems of cybercrime and the reasons for cybercriminals difficult to ca ... ...

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