
Unit 8 At the fruit shop 第二课时课件

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:65次 大小:9690623Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件27张PPT。108Buying fruits at the fruit shop Period 2Unit 8 At the fruit shopFrom Here to ThereFrom Here to ThereFrom Here to ThereFrom Here to ThereFrom Here to ThereFrom Here to ThereFrom Here to ThereFrom Here to ThereFrom Here to ThereAsk and answerjuicyyummysweetsourAsk and answerThe fruit I likeapples 1kg1 kgMarco is shopping in Shenzhen Yes, please. I like apples. How much is it?Can I help you ?May I have 2 apples, please. 5 yuan.Thank you. How much?Here you are !5 yuan. please.1 kgMarco is shopping in Shenzhen 1 kg5 yuan .(¥5.00) Can I ?Yes, please. I like . is it ?Thank you ! ?5 yuan, please.May I , please. .Marco is shopping in Shenzhen 1 kg(¥4.00) 4 yuan .Can I ?Yes, please. I like . is it ?Thank you ! ?4 yuan, please.May I , please. .Money in China ¥20.00¥50.00¥10.00¥5.00Marco is shopping in Hongkong May I have water, Please? Can I help you ?Thank you. How much is it?Here you are!HK $5,please.Money in HongkongHK$50HK$100HK$20HK$10HK $ Marco is shopping in U.S May I have cola, Please? Can I help you ?Thank you. How much is it?Here you are!$2.Money in U.S$20$50$10$5Marco is shopping in FranceMoney in France? 50? 100? 20? 10? 200Marco is shopping in Shenzhen May I have 4 apples please? How much are they?Can I help you ?It is 5 Yuan.Here you are.They are 10 Yuan.Thank you.1 kg2 kgApples ,please. How much is it?Ask and answerHow much is it?¥ 8.00¥ 12.00¥ 6.00¥ 20.00¥ 10.00¥ 50.00____ yuan.Ask and answerHow much are they ?____ yuan.¥ 4.00¥ 10.00¥ 5.00¥ 12.00¥ 30.00¥ 15.00Make a new dialogueHomework Make a shopping list and write down the shopping with your friends or parents. Listen and read Page 38.

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