
Unit 3 It's a pineapple Lesson 13 课件+音视频

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:73次 大小:92258800Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件16张PPT。By:Miss liLesson 13It is a pineappleDonald Duck My name is Duck. I am from America. I'm in Class Three, Grade Four. I like fruit very much.apple一个苹果一个红苹果这是什么?它是一个苹果.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.an applea red appleWhat's this ? It's an applepear这是什么?它是一个梨.一个大梨它是一个梨么?是的它是. / 不,它不是。a big pearWhat's this ? It's a pear.Is it a pear ? Yes,it is/ No,it isn't.pineappleA: what's this? B: A: Do you like pineapples? B: A: Have a pineapple,please. B: lemon=+Read and Write Listen:T: Look! What′s this?S: A pear? An apple?T: Look! It's an apple.S: Yes,It's an apple!Listen and read:Listen and read:Role PlayGroup 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Chain Game:Ask and Answer:T: What's this ? T: Do you like lemons? T: Have a lemon,please!Let's do: Touch Touch the apple; Smell Smell the pineapple; Eat Eat the bananaSing a fruit song.Thank You!

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