
Unit 2 There are tall trees now 教案

日期:2024-05-07 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:85次 大小:11658Byte 来源:二一课件通
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本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com Module 1 Unit 2 There are tall trees now 教案 1教学目标 1.知识与能力目标:能熟练掌握单词 before now playground,能初步运用句型There was… There were… There is… There are…描述事物或场景的变化,在图文或场景下能用英语描述事物或场景的变化,能在情景中灵活运用本节课所学内容。21教育网 2. 情感态度目标:培养小组合作意识,爱校爱家的美好情感。鼓励学生仔细观察,积极动脑。 2学情分析 优点是上课大部分同学能够认真听课,积极发言,师生、生生活动互动不错。缺点是有少部分同学上课精力不够集中,爱开小差,不能跟上老师的脚步。再就是英语单词的书写方面很多同学存在着困难。还有很多同学沿用一个字母一个字母拼写的方式记单词。那样既费时又费力,并且极容易遗忘。所以在课堂上我要进一步加强对学生单词学习、记忆方法的指导。 3重点难点 教学重点:运用句型there was, there were, there is, there are描述事物或场景的变化。2·1·c·n·j·y 教学难点:there was, there were, there is, there are句型结构的理解和运用。【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 4教学过程 1. 知识与能力目标:能熟练掌握单词 before now playground,能初步运用句型There was… There were… There is… There are…描述事物或场景的变化,在图文或场景下能用英语描述事物或场景的变化,能在情景中灵活运用本节课所学内容。21·世纪 教育网 2. 情感态度目标:培养小组合作意识,爱校爱家的美好情感。鼓励学生仔细观察,积极动脑。 活动1【导入】warm up 出示五张图片,学生认读记忆图片(图片内容以单数形式出现),再出示十张图片,其中包含刚才学生读过的五张图,学生根据自己的记忆用There was a…before. There wasn’t a…before.来说, 同样方法出示内容为复数形式的图片,There were…before. There weren’t… before. 活动2【讲授】presentation 1.Before Listening:(出示挂图) T: Look at the pictures of the school, Does it look different now S: Yes, it does. 2. While listening: 1).听CD-ROM,每一遍解决一个问题 Q1: How about the trees There were lots of little trees here. Now there are tall trees. Q2: How about the playground playground 操场, 教读。 There was a small playground here. Now there is a big playground. 2).Listen and repeat. Then practise. 活动3【活动】practice Step 3.After listening: How about our school trees, playground, classroom, school gate… There were…. Now there are… There was…. Now there is… Example: There was a small school gate. Now there is a big school gate. 2) Look and say. a).What can you see in Picture 1 A small blackboard, small desks, small chairs… What can you see in Picture 2 A computer, a big blackboard, big desks, big chairs…21cnjy.com b).Find the differences. Example There were small desks in the classroom before. There are big desks in the classroom now. c).Practice in pairs. Example: (Student A closes his/her book.) B: There were small desks in the classroom before.21世纪教育网版权所有 A: There are big desks in the classroom now. After three turns, the students should swap roles.21·cn·jy·com While singing the song: Enjoy the song. Repeat the sentences. 活动4【作业】homework A. Listen and repeat. B. Try to sing the song. C. Write something about our school. 21世纪教育网 -- 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站 ... ...

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