
牛津译林版英语7AUnit 7 Shopping 单元教学设计(7课时)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:32次 大小:126250Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 7 Shopping Period 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 语言知识 to learn the shops of the names we often see 语言技能 be able to talk about the names of some shops 语言运用 learn to talk about buying presents in English 教学目标 文化意识 different traditions about birthday 情感态度 what kind of presents to buy 学习策略24 form a correct opinion on birthday presents3 教学重点C new words and phrases and sentencesY 教学难点I talk about buying presents in English4 运用任务C discuss which shop to go and what present to buyf 教学过程 A. Comic stripe Step 1 Presentationo 1. Show students pictures of Eddie and Hobo.V T: Christmas is one of my favourite festivals because I can do a lot of shopping at Christmas. What about Eddie and Hobo? Are they interested in shopping?E T: Encourage students to guess the answers first.L 2. Watch the video of the comic strip and answer the following questions.k (1) Does Eddie want to go shopping with Hobo?[来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K] (2) Why does Hobo ask Eddie to go with him?g 3. Let students find out the difficult points in the conversation and the teacher explains accordingly.B 4. Finish the passage with the given words and expressions./ / There’s a new mall _____. Hobo wants to _____ there, but Eddie _____ shopping. Hobo has no _____, so Eddie gives his _____ to Hobo. Hobo can’t _____. He is asking Eddie for help, “Eddie, please _____ me. I _____ you _____ help me.”x 【教学目的:将巩固形式由对话变成小短文,不仅可以检测学生对本对话内容的掌握情况,也可以检测学生的信息转换能力。】c Step 2 PracticeQ 1. Ask students to role-play the conversation. Give them necessary help and support.= 2. T: Do you think Eddie will go shopping with Hobo? What will happen next? Can you give me your ideas?= T: Ask students to continue the conversation using their own creativeness and imagination. Invite some students to act out their conversations. The teacher gives positive comments on their performance. 【教学目的:让学生进行角色表演,鼓励他们积极想象,适当增加合理内容,提高他们创新思维的积极性。】 Step 3 Sum up T: When we buy presents for others, we needn’t spend too much money on it because as students, we don’t make any money. We should spend our pocket money wisely, do you think so? What matters is the love in the gift, not the price of it. As the saying goes, a small gift can mean a lot. 【教学目的:从书本学习延伸到学生生活,对他们的生活方式和消费态度给予正确的引导。】 B. Welcome to the unit Step 1 Lead-in 1. Enjoy the song Jingle bells (before class). T: Hello, everyone! Do you enjoy this song? It’s a song about Christmas. As we know, Christmas is a time for fun. It is also a time for presents and shopping. There are many different kinds of shops in your town or city. Here, I have some pictures of these shops. Please look at them carefully and tell me what shops they are. T: Show students pictures of different shops and help them learn the names of these shops. 2. Ask students to write down the names of the shops under the picture ... ...

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