
Unit 6 There are four seasons in a year Lesson 33 教案

日期:2024-05-19 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:63次 大小:14691Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 6 There are four seasons in a year Lesson 33 教案 1教学目标 1.知识目标(Knowledge aims) 能理解形容词的比较级和最高级的意义 (2)能理解和运用目标语句和词汇: Summer is the second and the hottest season of the year. There is often a lot of rain. Sometimes there is heavy rain. Have summer holidays go on trips go camping have summer classes 2.技能目标(Ability aims) (1)借助图片看懂所表达的信息,并理解语篇大意 (2)能准确熟练地朗读本课内容 (3)能就“summer”话题,结合图片和生活经验进行简单的个人夏季生活描述 (4)掌握和提高基本的阅读理解能力 3.情感态度目标(Emotion aims) (1)能体会到学习和使用英语的乐趣 (2)在小组活动中能大胆说出自己的想法,并积极配合同学完成任务 (3)能利用所学内容就(summer)话题谈自己的感受:like or dislike 2学情分析 六年级学生经过3年校内英语的学习,积累了较丰富的词汇和功能语句,除掌握了建大的简单的交际用语,与教师互动的能力也增强了:能听懂教师的课堂用语,参与课堂活动的积极性和完成任务的主动性增强,同时结合所学内容能就某一事物进行简单的描述,病表达自己的情感(like or dislike). 通过本单元1、2课时的学习,学生们已经学习了有关春天的特点和人们活动的功能语句如:Spring is the first season of the year. The weather is… Spring is the green season. People go on outings and children fly kites. 等,为本课了解和学习语篇的结构,语篇的内容提供了模板,从而利于学生较快进入学习和理解新语篇的状态。 3重点难点 教学重点 (1)帮助学生理解和运用本课的功能语句和词汇。 (2) 提高学生的阅读理解能力和综合语言运用能力。 措施:结合图片和学生的已有生活体验,理解和运用功能语句和词汇。 教学难点 (1)理解本课形容词比较级和最高级的意义 (2)激发学生就“summer”这一话题,结合生活经验进行描述的积极性,同时鼓励学生积极思考,大胆想象,提高语言的灵活运用能力。 4教学过程 活动1【导入】Step 1.阅读前———复习旧知,以旧代新,激发学习的兴趣 Warming up 教师与学生进行简短的问候后,表演自编chant。 T: Good morning, boys and girls! How many months are there in a year Ss: There are twelve. T: What are they Ss:(chant) January, February March, April, May June, July, August September, October, November and December. Revision lesson31-32 教师与学生进行如下对话: T: How many seasons are there in a year Ss: There are four. T: Great. Then look at the picture. Which season is it about Ss: Spring. 接下来教师提出有关春天的问题,请学生们先在组内回答,再选代表回答。 Q1:When does springtime begin Q2: How’s the weather in spring Q3: What’s spring like Q4:What do people do in spring 活动2【讲授】Step 2.阅读中-走进语篇,梳理语篇,并阅读和理解语篇  (1)问题导入,整体感知语篇 T: Now look at another picture. Which season are they about How’s the weather Ss:It’s summer. It’s hot. 此时教师对学生们的表现给予肯定,并适时导入本课语篇的整体感知。 T: You’re very clever. Today we are going to learn lesson 33.It’s about summer.(板书lesson33 Summer) Summer is the second season of the year. Look here. Is it hot Ss: No. T:. What about this one Ss: It’s hot. 之后教师依次出示图片,让学生理解hotter, hottest. T: There are four seasons in a year.用幻灯片出示四季中人们生活的图片,教师引导学生共同说出Summer is the hottest season. 随后教师板书:Summer is the ho ... ...

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