
Unit 6 There are four seasons in a year Lesson 33 课件

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:99次 大小:6226066Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件23张PPT。Lesson 33Two little spring birds.Lesson 33杨村八小 宋超 spring summerSummer is the second season of the year.304033.5℃hot35.2℃hotter37.8℃hottest广州海口33.5℃35.2 ℃37.8 ℃Haikou is the hottest city2015The weather is very hot and there’s often a lot of rainSometimes there is heavy(重的)rain read loudly light (轻的)go on tripsgo campingIn summer, schools close and students have their holidaysSome of them ..., some..., and some... read in pairs Just read and speak. Summer is the___and the___season of the year. In china, summer begins_____. The weather is very___and there’s often a lot of____. Sometimes there is_____. In summer, schools___and students have their___. Some of them_____with their parents, some_____with their teachers, and some have_____. They all___the summer holidays. go on tripsheavy raingo campingschools closesummer holidaythe hottest seasonWhat do we usually do in summer?go campingeat ice creamgo skatinggo swimminggo on tripsplant treespick apples Try to draw and talk about summer by yourselves. 2. Just think: How about autumn?HomeworkThank you!

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