
Unit 3 Would you like to come to my birthday party?Lesson 18 教案

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:73次 大小:14508Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 Would you like to come to my birthday party? Lesson 18 教案 1教学目标 1.知识目标 要求掌握六个重点词组:light the candles, sing the birthday song, make a wish, blow out the candles, cut the cake, eat the cake. 要求掌握句子: Here’s a birthday cake for you. How do they celebrate the birthday First, they light the candles and then… 语音训练:字母组合oy的读音。 2.能力目标 学会谈论有关庆祝生日的话题。 3.德育目标 帮助学生了解中西文化差异,关爱朋友、父母及长辈。 2学情分析 进入六年级的学生已经有一定的英语学习基础。大部分学生养成了良好的英语学习习惯,在设计本课内容时,有效地利用多媒体信息技术手段创设情境,使学生犹如身临其境,集中注意力,激发学习欲望,加深所学知识的理解。 3重点难点 六个庆祝生日重点词组: light the candles, sing the birthday song, make a wish, blow out the candles, cut the cake, eat the cake. 句子:Here’s a birthday cake for you. 4教学过程 活动1【导入】Lesson 18 A. Enjoy an English song about the birth. B. Play a game (Show some pictures to ask students about the shapes of the cake. T: Watch carefully, and tell me what kind of cake is it Ss:… (通过播放英语视频歌曲,吸引学生的目光,帮助学生快速调整状态,集中注意力,进行英语学习。接下来教师通过游戏的方式展示各种颜色鲜艳、形状各异的蛋糕模型,让学生集中注意力快速回答有关蛋糕形状的问题,不仅有效地调动学生们的积极性,帮助学生复习旧知,还为本课的学习做一良好的铺垫。) 活动2【讲授】Lesson18 Step 3.Presentations 新授 A. Review the main sentences “Would you like to come to my birthday party Sure, I’d like to.” T: Now let me introduce a new friend to you. His name is Roy, Roy is a little boy. Today is Roy’s birthday, he wants to invite us to celebrate his birthday party, would you like to go with me Ss: OK!(教师利用Roy邀请大家过生日,创设情境,学习本课知识。) T: Listen! (教师播放Roy的声音) Ss: Sure! I’d like to. (教师利用声频文件,播放Roy 邀请大家的语句,让学生通过人机对话的方式,巩固本单元的重点句型。此方法有效地调动了学生们的学习兴趣,学生们争先恐后地与Roy进行对话。同时在教师介绍Roy时通过大屏幕出示后面要学习的Chant中的相关句型,提前铺垫,为后面的学习节省时间。) B. Learn the main sentence “Here’s a/ an…. for you. Here are some…. for you. ” T: I have a present for Roy. Look, can you read them Ss:….. T: Do you find something with these words “oy” pronounce [ i] I make a chant with these words. Let’s enjoy it. Do you like my present What present do you want to give Ss: Here’s a/ an…. for you. Here are some…. for you.(教师接着借助多媒体的帮助,通过展示图片,播放声音,并配合文字等多种方式,学习本课的重点句型。) The teacher also teaches the students another sentence” I have… for you.” (教师接着创设情境,并说出自己送给Roy 礼物,此时先学习歌谣中的重点词,让学生找规律,然后再播放flash,让学生整体理解歌谣意思,接下来通过声音,文字相结合的方式,帮助学生逐句学习歌谣 。) C. Learn the main phrases of Lesson 18. T: The birthday party begins. How do we celebrate the birthday (学生在思考老师的问题后,畅所欲言,教师根据学生的回答,配以动画,图片,实物,肢体语言等多种形式加以讲解,强调。) S1: buy a birthday cake. S2: cut the cake and ... ...

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