
Lesson 14 Near and far 课件

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:70次 大小:3112178Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件15张PPT。Lesson 14 Near and Far Is the liarbry far from the school?Yes,it’s far.Is the classroom near the playground?Yes,it’s near.nearfarnear(在….附近)I’m near the school.far(远的;遥远的)I’m far from the school. (离….远)schoolnearLi Ming is near the school.farLi ming is far from school.Ischoolfar fromWhere’s LiMing?LiMing is near the school.LiMing is far from the school.Danny:Excuse me! Where’s the library? LiMing:I can show you. Danny: Is the liarbry far from the school? LiMing :Yes,It’s far. Danny:Thanks! LiMing:You are welcome.Talk about it.zooschoollibrary2. Is the library far from here?Is the library far from here?3. Let’s do it!Where's your home? Is it far from the school?No. It's near the school.

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