
Unit 2 Our animal friends 课件+教案(2)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:11次 大小:3378136Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 2 Our animal friends 教案 1教学目标 1. To review the vocabulary about our animals friends 2. To learn how to look after the animals when they are in danger 3. To let the Ss love and protect the animals 2重点难点 How to make a display about dogs 3教学过程 活动1【导入】Pre-task 1. Ask some questions about the animals 1) What two main things does the SPCA do? 2) Why does the SPCA need to save many animals every year? 3) What do unkind people do to their pets? 4) What do SPCA officers do to save those homeless animals? 5) If you go to the SPCA to take a pet home, what must you do? 6) How does the SPCA take care of sick animals? 1) The SPCA saves animals. The SPCA helps animals find new homes. 2) Because some people are unkind to their pets. 3) They do not look after their pets and leave them in the street. 4) They save them from danger and take them to the SPCA. 5) You must promise to take care of your new pet. 6) There are clinics for sick animals in the SPCA. And the vets in the clinics take care of them. Do some revision About the “Animals, our friends” 活动2【讲授】While-task 2. Think and write Do you want to be a junior member of the SPCA? You must complete the questionnaire first. 2. Ss try to complete the questionnaire To review the text Think and say Are dogs useful animals? What can dogs do for people? Ss discuss to get her and do a competition To arouse Ss’ interest 2. Look and learn 1) Where did they live? 2) How did they get food? 3) Who are they? 4) What are they doing? 5) What is wrong with the man? 6) What is the man? 7) Who catches thieves? Ss answer questions In a cave. They hunted for food. They are guards. They are guarding. He is blind. He is a thief. Policemen and policewomen. To review the text well Look, read and match. Mr Hu and his class have come back from the SPCA. He has asked the ss to make a display about dogs. Ss match the pictures according to the correct order Do some revision and help Ss consolidate the text Answer Where did people live with their dogs many years ago? What did dogs do at that time? What else did dogs do for people? What do dogs do to help the police? What do dogs do to help blind people? What do dogs do to help farmers? 1) They lives in caves. 2) They guarded the caves and kept people safe from danger. 3) They also helped people hunt animals for food 4) They help catch thieves and find missing people. 5) They help blind people cross the road safely 6) They bring other animals, like sheep, to the farmers To understand the text well 活动3【活动】Post task 1. Word puzzle Find seven words in the word puzzle 2. Listen and answer 1. Hunt, police, missing, safely, guard, cave, blind 2. Listen and answer the questions. To review some new words in the text 活动4【作业】Homework Recite &WB 课件23张PPT。M1 RelationshipsUnit 2 Our animal friendsReading: Animals, our friends Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Every year, the SPCA saves many animals in Garden City. So ... ...

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