
Unit8 Growing healthy,growing strong.第3课时 Listening and speaking.课件+练习

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:37次 大小:9150851Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 8 Growing healthy,growing strong 牛津上海版 Module 3 Diet and health Listening Speaking Think and review If we want to stay healthy,what should we do exercise regularly go to bed early and get up early drink at least 8 glasses of water every day eat a lot of healthy food,like fruit and vegetables We should... We should... have breakfast every morning wash hands before meals have a positive attitude(良好心态) spend more time reading We should not... play computer games for a long time watch too much TV stay up late(熬夜) eat too much fried food(油炸食品) We should not... eat too much sweet food drink too many soft drinks spend too much time on the mobile phone eat too much snacks(零食) Look and learn sweet food chocolate a bar of nine _____ of chocolate bars chocolate不可数 名词 a _____ of ice cream box two _____ of ice cream boxes Look and review ice cream不可数 名词 soft drinks Look and review lemonade a bottle of lemonade many bottles of lemonade不可数 名词 fried food Look and review crisps a packet of two _____ of crisps packets crisps可数 名词复数 Read and memorize 油炸食品 冰激凌 2盒冰激凌 巧克力 9块巧克力 柠檬汽水 6瓶柠檬汽水 薯片 3袋薯片 fried food ice cream two boxes of ice cream chocolate nine bars of chocolate lemonade six bottles of lemonde crisps three packets of crisps bar chocolate fried food ice cream box hamburger packet crisps bottle lemonade soft drinks Play words game Lead in Do you like fried food Do you like sweet food Do you like soft drinks Yes, I do! Joe Does Joe have a sore throat 2.Does he have a teethache and stomach ache 3. How many packets of crisps did he eat 4.What did he do last Sunday Listen and answer Yes,he does. Yes,he does. Three. Last Sunday, he watched TV for three hours and ate three packets of crisps. Mr Hu, I have a sore throat. My eyes hurt. I have toothache and a stomach ache. What did you do last Sunday, Joe Last Sunday, I watched TV for three hours and ate three packets of crisps. What did you do last Monday Last Monday, I … Listen and repeat M O N D A Y drink/2 glasses of water watch/TV for 3 hours What did you do last Monday Last Monday, I _____ two glasses of water and _____ TV for three hours. drink--drank watch--watched drank watched Look and say T U E S D A Y eat/2 boxes of ice cream eat/some vegetables What did you do last Tuesday Last Tuesday, I _____ two boxes of ice cream and some vegetables. ate eat--ate Look and say Think and say What did you do last Last_____, I _____ 1. Role play the conversation in groups; 2. Role play the conversation in front of the class Let’s see which group does the best. Groupwork 要求: 1.发音准确。 2. 尽量不看原文。 Think and talk Does Joe have a good eating habit (饮食习惯) Make a list about his bad eating habit. Joe's bad eating habits 1.Joe ate too much chocolate. 2.Joe_____ fried food. 3.Joe_____ice cream. 3.Joe_____ lemonade. 4.Joe_____hamburgers and crisps. 5.Joe_____ TV. 6.Joe_____eno ... ...

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