
Module7-Unit 1 He can’t see (课件+教案+练习)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:52次 大小:10345575Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    登陆21世纪教育 助您教考全无忧 《Module7 Unit 1 He can’t see》教案 【教学目标】 知识与技能 (1)使学生能正确认读单词 blind deaf hear firemen fire her 。 (2)使学生能灵活运用句型:She/He/They can/ can’t …… 以及Can we have a dog. Yes,we can. No,we can’t. 2.过程与方法 合作学习,小组学习,交往式学习 3.情感态度和价值观 (1)使学生认识到保护动物重要性。培养学生互相关心、互相帮助良好品质。 (2)培养学生的合作交流能力 【教学重点】 掌握He/she/They can/can’t…并用can /can’t 谈论能力。 【教学难点】 can和 can’t的综合运用。 【教学方法】 教法 Listening to the tape. (2) Using PPT (3) Group work. (4)Using cards. 2. 学法 Listening to the tape. (2)Learning through the PPT. (3)Work in groups. 4. Learning words with the cards.21教育网 【课前准备】 PPT, computer, tape-recorder, tape, cards 【课时安排】 1个课时 【教学过程】 一、Warming up and Revision 1. Warming up (1) Guessing a riddle PPT呈现一个与动物有关的谜语,请学生根据提示猜测是哪种动物。 谜语内容: I look like a wolf. I have four legs. I like smell things, I can wag my tail. I am a… (2)Have a chant. T: What animal is it … T: Yes, it’s a dog. I like dogs, how about you Now, let’s have a chant about dogs, ok 2. Lead in. (1)T: We all like dogs, because they are useful. 教师呈现小狗图片,Dogs are very useful. (2)看图片预测课文内容 T: Our friend Lingling likes dogs too. Look at this picture, what are they doing What’s it about 二、Presentation 1. Listen,read and act out (1)观看课文动画视频,整体理解课文 Listen to the dialogue for the first time and finish the sentences. There’s a TV show about_____. (2)Check the answer 教师让学生看动画,校对答案。 (3)T:We all know dogs are useful. 教师告诉学生小狗能帮助人类做很多事,教师问学生,看完动画后,小狗帮助人类的事情体现在哪里。教师让学生在文本中找到答案。21cnjy.com (4)情景一 教师呈现狗帮助盲人过马路的图片, T:What can you see What are they doing What can the dog do Why does the dog help the man 21·cn·jy·com 学生自读文本,完成填空: This man is _____. He _____see. This dog helps him. 学习新词blind. 学习功能句He/She can’t… (5)情景二 教师出示狗帮助聋哑女孩开门的图片 T: What can the dog do Why does the dog help the girl 2·1·c·n·j·y 学生自读文本,完成填空: This girl is ____. She can’t_____. This dog helps_____.【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 学习新词deaf hear her. (6)情景三 教师出示狗帮助消防员的图片。 学生自读文本,完成填空: Last week, there was a____. This dog helped the_____. 学习词汇fire firefighter (7)Match and say 将单词与对应的中文连线 全班一起核对答案 (8)考考你的记忆力 按单词消失的先后顺序读单词。 2. 阅读文本,选择并回答。 T: Can Sam have a dog 学生自读文本,完成选择: Sam: Can we have a dog , Mum Ms Smart: _____. A. Yes, we can. B. No, we can’t. 3.解读文本Can we have a dog , Mum 4.Listen and imitate 教师播放动画,学生模仿跟读对话 5.Have a try 根据图片补全句子。 This man is .He see. This dog him. This girl is .She can’t . This dog helps . Last , there was a .This dog helped the . 6. Act out角色扮演 (1) 四 ... ...

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