
Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good[上学期]

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:88次 大小:215348Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件67张PPT。Unit 3 Looking good, feeling goodReading: Dying to be thin…1st periodLead-inSome people are overweight, some are a little fat, and some are slim. Find why people are fat.Eating/drinking/sleeping too much.Certain medicines/foodOriginal Chunky Genetic(遗传的) Like father, like son. Discuss ways of losing weight.going on a diet exercising in the gym receiving surgical treatment taking weight-loss pills going on a diet lose weight weak; tired; exercising in the gym fit; lose weight waste time; have to pay receiving surgical treatment lose weight waste money; weak taking weight-loss pills lose weight waste money; damage healthGeneral questions:Where does Amy come from? What kind of pills did Amy take? What caused Amy’s liver to fall? Canada. Weight-loss pills called Fat-less. The weight-loss pills. Exercises(P44-45)C1 C2 D1 D2 EC1(P44) 1 According to Para 2 in the first e-mail, Amy is an actress, _____. A. who often exercises B. who wanted to lose some weight C. who became ill D. who ate littleC1 2 Why did Amy decide to take weight-loss pills? A. She was overweight. B. She was having problems. C. Her clothes did not fit. D. She wanted to become slimmer.C1 3 At the hospital, the doctors told Amy she would _____. A. live for seven days B. have to donate her liver C. die without a new liver D. need her mother’s liver C1 4 Li Dong, a young Chinese, _____. A. saved Amy’s life by donating money to her B. saved Amy’s life by giving her part of his liver C. told Amy never to take weight-loss pills again D. once worked with AmyC1 5 Zhou Ling, Amy’s friend _____. A. did not want to read Amy’s e-mails B. was sorry to hear about Amy’s problems C. thinks Amy should lose weight D. thinks diets and weight-loss pills are necessaryC1 6 According to Para 2 in the first e-mail, Amy is an actress, _____. A. an interesting one B. forgotten by her family C. like that of some people in China D. a problem only for actressesC2 (P44)In order to lose weight, Amy takes weight-loss pills and becomes slimmer and slimmer. Amy was recovering from liver failure thanks to Li Dong, who donated part of his liver to her.R E C O V E R I N G Zhou Ling was sorry to hear about Amy’s problems and hoped that she as well as all the others who like to lose weight could value the importance of health.R R E E : C O V E R I N G D1 (P44)1 them (L12) 2 that (L19) problems (L35)the weight-loss pills a harmful chemical liver failure, the operation and being in hospital D1 (P44)4 yours (L36) 5 who (L37) 6 they (L44)your livera strangermany people in China who are going on diets or taking weight-loss pills.D2(P45) cadbfeE(P45) damage (2) two (3) failure (4) liver (5) actress (6) figure (7) pills (8) pricelessDiscussion: Suppose you are Amy’s best friend. What advice or suggestions would you give to Amy?F (P45) Discussion Do you think pictures of film stars and models cause young people to worry about their looks? Why or why not? What do you think is the best way to keep healthy? Why ... ...

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