
高三上Book 9 Module 6 Why Do We Need Dictionaries课件[上学期]

日期:2024-06-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:57次 大小:3524740Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件40张PPT。Module 6Module 6 Why Do We Need DictionariesStep 1 Lead-inLook at the picture of on page 72. Have you heard of Samuel Johnson? How much do you know about him?Step 2 Read Part 1 quickly, then do Activity 2;Answers: 1.spelling;2.generation; 3.biographer; 4.revise; 5.contract; 6.poetStep 3 Read the passage and answer the questions:1.Who were originally responsible for the concept of the OED?2.How did the editor James Murray improve the production of the dictionary? 3.How long did it take before the first part was published?4.Why does the writer say the project was clearly too big for one person to take on? 5.How have things advanced since the publication of the first dictionary?1.Trench, Coleridge, Furnivall. 2.By asking readers to report many instances of a word on the slips.3. 27 years.4.Because Murray had only managed the first volume between 1879 and 1884, it would take more than one person’s lifetime to complete the whole book.5.It has been computerised.Step 4Look through Part 1 to find the words in the table,and try your best to experience their meanings and usage in the sentences, then finish Activity 4.Answers to Activity 4: 1.basis 2.critic 3.simplified 4.omit 5.quotation 6.obscure 7.illustrateStep 5 Finish Activity 5 , using the same steps as in Step 4. Words and expressions:Britain’s greatest literary figures of all time英国有史以来最伟大的文人 of all time 还有“无论何时”2.compile vt. 汇集, 编辑, 编制; 搜集(资料) compile a guide book 编指导手册 compile an anthology of poems 编诗集 We are -ing an English-Chinese dictionary for high school students. 我们在编辑一本中学生用的英汉 辞典。3.revise (1)校阅;校订 He was revising what he had written. 他正在修改他所写的东西。 (2)修正;改变 I'll have to revise my ideas about Tom. 我必须改变对汤姆的看法。 (3)温习;重温 I've been revising all week. 我整个星期都在复习。4. contract 契约, 合同 sign a contract 签订合同 bind oneself by contract 有契约约束 a breach of contract 违反合同 break the contract撕毁合同; 解除婚约 draw up a contract 草拟合同 negotiate a contract 缔结契约 keep a contract 遵守[履行]合同5.quotation (1)引用 (2)引用语;语录 Which book do these quotations come from? 这些引文出自哪本书? (3)时价;行情;估价 His quotation for painting my house was too high. 他为我油漆房子索价太高。 6. fault (1)过失,过错 Who broke the cup? It's my fault, I dropped it. 谁把杯子摔了?这是我的过错,我摔的。 That's no fault of his.这不是他的过错。 "The fault lies with me, not with you." "这是我的责任,不是你的责任。" (2)缺点;瑕疵 "There seems to be some fault in thecomputer, and we're just looking into it." "这台电脑好象有点毛病,我们正在检查原因。" Your only fault is carelessness. 你惟一的缺点是粗心大意。7.publication (1)公[颁]布, 发表[布] (2)发行, 出版 发行物, 出版物, 刊物 the list of new publications(3)新书[新刊]目录 a monthly [weekly ] publication 月[周]刊8.comprehensive 广泛的, 全面的, 综合的; 综合教育的 有理解力的; 容易了解的a comprehensive knowledge 渊博的知识 a compr ... ...

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