
Unit1welcome to my new home Lesson2(湖北省)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:46次 大小:12664Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 2 教学目的 1. To learn the new words.2. To learn the new dialogue.3. Let’s chant. 教学重点 The new words 教学难点 The new dialogue 教学关键 The sentence 教具准备 Tape-recorder, sticker 教学过程:(导入新课、教学内容、教学方法、课后小结、练习安排等)Step 1 Revision1. Let’s draw. Listen and draw them on a paper. Ask someone to do this in class.2. Introduce the picture’s objects.Step 2 The new lesson1. Show the cards to the pupils. TV /sofa/armchairAsk them :Where should these put in the living-room 2. To teach the new words. Ask some pupils to read aloud.3. Ask : What’s in the living-room How many sofas/armchairs/… And revise the sentences: There is … And then explain the sentence How many… 4. Look at the picture ,listen to the tape and read in pairs. Ask some pairs to read in class.Step 3 Practice1. Listen to the tape and repeat after it. Then ask some groups to read in class.2. Read the dialogue in groups and act it out.3. Look at the sticker. Find the right picture after they heard. Then check it in class.4. Write down the new words on the blackboard. 板书设计 Lesson Two new words new dialogue make new sentence 课后作业 必作:Read and revise the new words.Copy the new words.时间:15 minutes 课后小记 选作:Make up the dialogue时间:10 minutes PAGE --1--

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