
Module 2 A Job Worth Doing 教案(外研版必修5)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:65次 大小:37822Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 2 A Job Worth Doing Teaching Design Goals: ● To learn about jobs done by people in English ● To learn to read with strategies 第1课时 Step1 Introduction 1.教师:大家请看多媒体大屏幕的六幅图片,现在我们两人为一组来进行讨论: What are the people doing in the photos? 学生讨论以后,回答: The doctor is examining the old woman. The manager is talking about the problems with the employees. The electrician is examining the wares. The biochemist is making an experiment. …… 2.教师:大家做的很好,下面请看大屏幕上的一些词汇。 badly paid dangerous exciting intellectual well paid manual satisfying stressful 请大家用以上的词汇描绘照片上的人所从事的工作。 学生:(讨论后踊跃发言) The manager is intellectual and stressful. The pilot’s job is exciting but dangerous. The biochemist is intellectual. The electrician’s job is very dangerous. … 3.教师:I think you must like one job best. Now let us discuss in pairs: what sort of job would you like to do 学生:(讨论后用自己的话来回答) I want to do a job which helps other people, such as a doctor. I want to do a job which is very interesting and exciting, such as, a football player. I want to do a job which is a little dangerous, because I like to risk. I like to be a teacher, because I like to stay with children. I like to be a pilot, because I want to fly freely like a bird in the sky. I like to be a biochemist, because I prefer to make experiments. 第2课时 Step2 Reading and Practice 1.教师:大家看一下大屏幕上的这个人在做什么? Do you think what the man is doing? 学生:(讨论后回答) Maybe the man is directing the traffic. 2.教师:请默读课文,验证答案。 学生:读课文,确认答案。 Yes, the man is directing the traffic. 3.教师:请大家精读课文,理解课文的细节,回答问题。 1) Why did the man direct the traffic there 2) Could he get paid from the job 3) What made him do the job 学生:默读课文,进行小组讨论,找出问题的答案。 1) Because many accidents happened there. 2) No, he got nothing from the job. 3) The experience he had helping people in a bus crash made him start this job. 4.教师:大家回答的很好,说明大家对课文已经基本理解,下面我们来完成Activity4 和Activity5。 学生:读课文回答。 Activity4: 1)c. He is a volunteer who directs the traffic. 2)b. At a side of the road. 3)a. It is narrow and in bad conditions. 4)c. No money at all. 5)c. The experience he had helping people in the bus crash. 6)b. He felt he must do it. Activity5:the keys ( present them on the screen) Step3 Discussion 教师:OK.大家做的都很好,下面请大家分组讨论下面一个问题: Do you think his job is worth doing Why 学生:讨论后踊跃发言: I think the man is great. I think the man is doing a great job. I think his job is worth doing. We must learn from the man. Step4 Summary. 第3课时 Procedures ▇Warming up by learning about “job hunting” Good morning, class. Today we shall take Unit 2: A Job Worth Doing. But first we have to find a job, that is, to hunt a job. "Job hunting" is the act of looking for employment. It is also known as job seekin ... ...

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