
英语教案六年级上册 unit3 lesson18(冀教版)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:51次 大小:11632Byte 来源:二一课件通
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本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com (冀教版)英语教案六年级上册 unit3 lesson18 Lesson 18 Snow! It’s Winter! 教学目标: 1、单词skate, ski, learn, teach, scarf. 2、I like to____. 3、复习表示衣服名称的词和天气情况的单词。 教学重点: 本课的重点单词及句子。 教学难点: 运用所学知识描绘自己的行为及动作。 教具、学具: 一些衣服实物、单词卡片、滑冰鞋、录音机、雪橇等。 教学过程: 1、Class Opening and Review (1)Play “Simon Says”用来复习“put on, take off“及所学衣服的词汇,例如:指名到教室前面,教师发指令,Put on your skarf.Take off your mitts. (2)(Ask and answer)问答练习 (a).How many seasons are there in a year (b).What’s your favourite season (c).What do you wear in winter/spring/summer/fall (d).What do you like to do in spring/summer/fall/winter (设计意图:通过此练习,复习旧知识,引出I like to____.句型,为新授做准备) 2、New concepts (新授) a、学“skate,ski,learn,teach.” 教师拿出滑冰鞋,边做动作边说:“I like to skate on the ice. Can you skate Do you want to learn I can teach you.并用单词卡片学习“skate,learn,teach.” b.用同样的方法教学“ski,I like to ski on the snow.” C、This is winter. Where are Jenny and LiMing 让学生听录音或放光盘,回答问题 No.1 A cold, snowy day What day is today What season is this What clothes does Jenny/LiMing wear What do they see What does Danny say 将学生分组,根据所回答的问题变成一段话,并指明复述,也可分组比赛。 d.Where is Danny 听录音或放光盘,回答问题: What does Danny like to do in winter Does Li Ming swim Why What do you like to do in winter 指名回答后,分组讨论自己在不同的季节喜欢做的事情。并指名或分组汇报。提高学生的英语会话能力。 (针对课文内容,创设类似的情景,让学生利用所学知识进行情景交际练习,让学生的知识与能力有所提高。) 3、Class Closing What’s your favourite season Why What do you like to do in the season Talk about them and right down. 板书设计: Lesson 18 Snow! It’s Winter winter I put on my ____.I take off___. In spring I like to_____. summer fall 21世纪教育网 -- 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站。 版权所有@21世纪教育网

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