

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:100次 大小:1214101Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    四川达州市2017高考英语阅读理解系列训练题(51)含答案 阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A,B,C或D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Rainforest is home t o around two-thirds of all plant and animal species found on land—in addition to millions of people who depend on them for survival—our remaining ancient forests are some of the most diverse ecosystems known to science. They are also vitally important to the health of our planet, especially when it comes to regulating the climate. But ancient forests around the world are under attack. Protecting rainforest s is on the global agenda (议事日程) in a big way. Governments now recognize the importance of protecting tropical forests in order to avoid dangerous climate change, and there is now much debate. As governments try to thrash out the details of a new international agreement, expected to be signed at the end of 2009, they are discussing how best to include measures to save rainforests, and therefore address one of the major causes of climate change. Worldwide, forest destruction causes more greenhouse gas emissions (排放) each year than do all the trains, planes and cars on the planet. So if we are to deal with global warming, there is an urgent need to find ways to reduce the 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions caused by forest destruction each year, and to keep the remaining forests standing. We need to protect th e planet’s remaining forests not only to stop climate change from getting worse, but to ensure that we can stand the impacts of global warming. Healthy forests absorb and store quantities of carbon, helping to regulate temperature and generate rain. When they are destroyed, this carbon is released into the atmosphere. Thus keeping forests standing is both a critical part of regulating climate change and of adapting to a warmer world. To date, most of the talk has focused on how to pay for reducing deforestation (滥伐森林), rather than on how to actually go about doing it. We believe governments need to support local people to protect their environment, as we have been showing for 20 years can be a very effective way of saving rainforests. 1. The best title for the passage is   . A. Rainforest and C limate Change B. Strategies on Protecting Rainforest C. Serious Defore station to Rainforest D. Present Situation of Rainforest 2. From the first paragraph we can infer that   . A. we have little rainforest left until now B. the ancient forests are being destroyed C. rainforest control the planet in many ways D. Rainforest is home to all plants and animals on earth 3. The underlined part “thrash out” in the second paragraph means   . A. try to understand    B. come up with C. hide away     D. have a thorough discussion 4. Greenhouse gas emissions caused by forest destruction   . A. are the same amount by transport on earth B. take 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions C. can be avoided by setting measures only D. have nothing to do with climate change 5. From the text ... ...

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