
Unit12 Weather 第3课时 课件+教案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:90次 大小:8688898Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 第3课时: Say and act Review the sounds Module4 The world around us Unit12 Weather Sing a song Review S1: How’s the weather S2: It’s warm and rainy. S1: What can you do S2:1 can take my umbrella and go out to play. Listen and fill in the blanks with or Ben Kitty Farmer rain wind sun Watch the cartoon It’s rainy. Does Kitty like the rain No, she doesn’t. How’s the weather Read and answer Does the farmer like the rain Why Yes, he does. The rain can help his plants grow. It’s windy. What does Ben like Why He likes the wind. He can fly his kite. How’s the weather Read and answer Does the farmer like the wind Why No, he doesn’t. The wind can blow his plants down. It’s hot and sunny. Does Ben like the sun No, he doesn’t. How’s the weather Read and answer What does the farmer like Why He likes the sun. The sun can make his plants strong. Think about it 对于相同的天气,不同的人 为什么会有不同的感受 Do you know I like the rain. I don’t like the rain. 肯定句:I like the rain. 否定句:I don’t like the rain. don’t = don not Do you know I can play in the park. I can’t play in the park. 肯定句:I can play in the park. 否定句:I can’t play in the park. can’t = can not in the park 在公园里 Role play 在小组内,练习对话并表演。 Fill in the blanks Kitty: How’s the weather today Ben: It’s _____. Kitty: I don’t like the rain. I can’t play in the park. Famer: I like the rain. Ben: It’s _____ today. Kitty: I like the wind. I can _____. Famer: I don’t like the wind. Ben: It’s _____ today. I don’t like the sun. Famer: I like the _____. windy rainy hot fly my kite sun cake table jam hand a - /e / a - / / Review the sounds ten pen e - /e/ he She e - /i:/ Review the sounds i - /a / bike kite i - / / pink pig Review the sounds rose photo o - / / o - / / dog shop Review the sounds u - /ju / pupil tube sun u - / / duck Review the sounds Review the sounds 开音节 闭音节 长 短 元音字母在开音节中发长音,在重读闭音节中发短音。 Review the sounds Game 将字母发音相同的单词放在一片叶子上。 pig bike cake hand pen bike rose dog pig sun cute he kite red big she Jane bad photo shop tube duck big kite red pet rose photo cute tube sun duck dog shop he she cake Jane hand bad Read and choose. ( ) 1. It’s _____. Let’s go to the park. A. sunny B. sun C. wind ( ) 2. _____ is the weather A. Who B. How C. What ( ) 3. I _____ like the sun. A. don’t B. does C. am ( ) 4. —How’s the weather —It’s _____. A. wind B. sun C. windy A B A C Summary 本单元重点内容: 单词: cloud rain sun wind cloudy rainy sunny windy 询问天气: How’s the weather It’s … Homework 1. 听录音,跟读Say and act 2遍。 2. 复习Unit10 – Unit12。登陆21世纪教育 助您教考全无忧 Unit12第3课时教案 教学内容: Say and act Review the sounds 教学目标: 通过Say and act拓展对话的教学,帮助学生进一步巩固和运用本单元第一、第二课时所学习的内容。21教育网 复习五个元音字母的开闭音节发音。 一、Warm up 1. 播放上节课所学歌曲,学生跟唱,进行热身。 2. 老师呈现 ... ...

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