
Unit 1 My family Lesson 2 同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:86次 大小:119478Byte 来源:二一课件通
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本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com Unit 1 My family Lesson 2同步练习 一、根据汉语把单词补充完整。 1. s_ster (姐妹) 2.f_m_ _y (家庭) 3.b_ _ther (哥哥,兄弟) 4.m _ _ (男人) 5.gra_d_ather(外祖父)[ 二、读一读,选出不是同一类的单词。 ( )1. A. grandmother B. grandpa C. friend ( )2. A. sister B. student C. brother ( )3. A. teacher B. desk C. pupil ( )4. A. dad B. mother C. family ( )5. A. this B. that C. there 三、单项选择。 ( ) . _____ that woman A.What B. Who’s C. How ( ) . She’s _____ mother. A. I B. my C. me ( ) . Let’s _____ TV. A. see B. look C. watch ( ) . _____ funny! A. What B. How C. Wow ( ) 5. This is my mother. She _____ from America. A. are B. is C. am 四、选词填空。 where who how what 1. _____ are you from 2. _____ is your name 3. _____ beautiful! 4. _____ is this woman 5. _____ old are you 五、情境选择。 ( )1. 七个小矮人在森林里看到了白雪公主,都惊讶于她的美丽,应说:_____. A. How tall! B. How beautiful! C. How funny! ( )2. 小白第一天上幼儿园不认识同学小美,于是问老师:_____ A. Who’s that girl B. Who’s that woman C. Who’s that man ( )3. 亲子联欢会上,老师要求同学们把对父母的爱大声说出来,同学们应说:_____ A. I love my father! B. I love my mother! C. Father and mother, I love you! ( )4. 你想把你弟弟介绍给你同学认识,应说:_____ A. This is my brother. B. That is my sister. C. This is my teacher. ( )5. 你想知道照片里的人是不是小明的父亲,你这样问小明:_____ A. Is she your mother B. Who’s the man C. Is he your father 答案: 一、i I A L R O A N N F 二、CBBCC 三、BBCBB 四、where what how who how 五、BACA 21世纪教育网 -- 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站。 版权所有@21世纪教育网

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