
2017届高考北师大版英语一轮特训:模块3 unit7 the sea

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:25次 大小:150831Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Ⅰ.完形填空(建议用时17′) [2016·珠海摸底]I had a dark moment earlier. The bad-tempered person that was once me __1__. I hadn't killed her. Oh, she isn't a fine piece of work. I don't like her at all. But I am grateful she comes out __2__. She reminds me of how far I've come and who I don't want to be, ever. I was at the dentist for treatment, a(n) __3__ which I had organized and reorganized for months. I __4__ it twice and called the day before to ensure the __5__ would be ready for the x-rays. Then I arrived. But the machine was broken. The lady on duty had no __6__ what I was talking about and I __7__ felt my blood boil. I was getting so mad. I didn't __8__ her or curse but the way I was __9__ to her was not nice. My tone was so rude. I spoke down to her like she was a __10__, naughty and incapable. It was not a good moment. The whole time she __11__ and was lovely to me. Everything was finally OK and only then was I nice. I sat down in the waiting area and __12__ on it all. How can I make it __13__? I thought. I could gift her a chocolate bar I had on me, but this __14__ more than that. It needed an honest __15__ and that is exactly what I gave. I apologized for the __16__ I had spoken to her and told her it was wrong of me. She __17__. Again with a smile. God help me be that woman, who smiles and forgives so__18__. I don't get it right every time. I can be __19__ and when I am, I almost hate myself for it. I am not a person like her. __20__ I have confidence in myself. I continue to grow and continue to learn. 作者按照预约去看牙医,结果那里没有按预约的准备好。作者大怒,用粗鲁的语气训斥了值班的女士,而对方始终以微笑回应。作者反省之后,真诚地向女士道歉,并决心要做一个像那位女士一样的人。 1.A.improved B.changed C.returned D.disappeared 答案:C'那个曾经坏脾气的我回来了(returned)。由上句“I had a dark moment earlier”得出。 2.A.on purpose B.at times C.over time D.ever since 答案:B'这个坏脾气的我不时地(at times)出现,是对作者的提醒。 3.A.appointment B.decision C.choice D.order 答案:A'作者来到牙科医生处就诊,这是几个月前约好的。appointment“预约,约定”。 4.A.considered B.recalled C.confirmed D.warned 答案:C'由5空前的ensure可推断此处应该填confirm(确认)。去之前我进行了两次确认。 5.A.cure B.equipment C.examination D.pay 答案:B'本空后的“But the machine was broken”有提示,作者打电话确认拍x光片的设备(equipment)是否已经准备好。 6.A.suggestion B.mind C.care D.idea 答案:D'值班的女士对此毫不知情,这让作者很生气。have no idea“不知道”。 7.A.immediately B.continually C.normally D.reasonably 答案:A'我去之前一再核实,去了之后值班人员竟然不知道有这么回事,所以我一下(immediately)就怒火中烧。 8.A.laugh at B.calm down C.yell at D.turn to 答案:C'空后的curse是提示,作者没有冲她喊叫(yell at)也没有谩骂。 9.A.talking B.leading C.listening D.referring 答案:A'虽没有冲她大喊大叫,但作者说话(talking)的方式非常不好。 10.A.boss B.child C.nurse D.cheat 答案:B'作者说话的语气相当粗鲁无礼,就像是跟一个孩子(child)说话。空后的 ... ...

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