

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:70次 大小:1883134Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件35张PPT。第23讲 九年级(下)Modules 1~2广西专用外研版重点词汇拓展1.flight (n.)_____ (v.)飞行 2.succeed (v.)_____ (n.)成功_____ (adj.)成功的 3.stupid (adj.) _____(同义词)笨的 4.our (pron.) _____(名词性物主代词) 5.pass (v.) _____(反义词)不及格 6.absent (adj.) _____(反义词)出席的 7.Japan (n.)_____ (n.)日本人 8.social (adj.)_____ (n.)社会flysuccesssuccessfulsillyoursfailpresentJapanesesociety重点短语 1.because ____因为;由于 2.as _____只要 3.take _____=be _____=look _____当心;小心 4._____ off 脱去;起飞 5.fly _____ to 直接飞到…… 6.succeed _____成功地做某事 7._____ a tour ____游览 8.____ goodbye ___ sb.向某人告别 9._____ the/one's seat 就座 10. _____... _____...和某人交换…… 11._____ to do sth.主动提出做某事oflong ascarecarefulouttakedirectin doingtaketosaytotakechangewithoffer12._____ sb. _____为某人送行 13. _____ the speed of sound 以超过声速两倍的速度 14.have a match _____ sb. 和某人比赛 15. _____ a tie 系领带 16._____ rows 排队 17. _____ 首先;最重要的是 18.decide _____ 自己作决定seeoffat more than twicewithwear inabove allfor oneself重点句型 1.It's _____ season in China _____the Spring Festival. 因为春节,它成为中国最忙的季节。 2.The pilot succeeded _____ time. 飞行员成功地按时着陆。 3.There's nothing to worry _____ you _____ hard. 只要你努力就没有什么担心的。 4._____ very good ____ you. 你真好。 5.Please _____ your tickets_____. 请大家准备好车票。 6.I _____ we can _____ a match _____them. 我希望我们能和他们比赛。the busiestbecause ofin landing onas long asworkThat'sofhavereadyhopehavewith7.I took a few photos_____. 我自己拍了一些照片。 8.Some English schools have swimming pools,but _____of them do. 一些英国的学校有游泳池,但并不是都有。 9._____ do I like _____school? 我最喜欢学校的什么? 10.River School is a secondary school,about twenty minutes _____ my home ____ bike. 里弗学校是一所中学,离我的家骑自行车大约20分钟。 11.Before class,our teacher _____which pupils are_____. 上课前,我们的老师清查哪些学生到或没到。 12.My marks ___ history and art weren't so good _____my favorite subjects. 我的历史和美术分数不那么好,因为它们并不都是我最喜欢的学科。myselfnot allWhatbest aboutaway frombycheckspresent or absentinbecause neither is 13.All the students take PE lessons,but ___ exams are_____. 所有的学生都上体育课,但不需要考试。 14.Students may____ as _____clubs as they like,but they must join _____ one. 学生们可以尽可能多地参加他们喜欢的俱乐部,但他们必须至少要加入一个。noneeded joinmanyat least语法 1.复习:名词、冠词、数词 2.复习:代词、介词、介词短语 ?succeed 【典例在线】 The boy succeeded in passing the final exams.那个男孩顺利地通过了期末考试。 【拓展精析】 succeed动词,意为“成功做成”。常用短语succeed in doing sth.相当于manage to do sth.,意为“成功做成某事”。其名词形式为success,形容词形式为successful。【活学活用】 1)There is no doubt that Mo Yan is a great _____ (成功) with the Nobel Prize. 2)The policeman succeeded in ____ the lost people. A.find   B.finds   C.finding  D.foundsuccessC?absent 【典例在线】 He was ab ... ...

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