
内蒙古鄂尔多斯市康巴什新区第二中学2016届九年级英语中考复习:话题十五历史名人与文学课件 (4份打包)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:46次 大小:4193449Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件16张PPT。学习目标 1.掌握重点单词、短语(详见前置性学案) 2.通过完形、阅读专项话题训练,巩固练习 并提升初中阶段外研版关于本话题的相关内容, 2、题型专项训练:阅读 3、语法复习:一般过去时2016中考备战15.1History, famous people and literaturegold_____ bowl _____ date_____ poem _____ marry _____ basket_____ upon_____ adv.一次;一回 _____ v.成为 _____ v.决定 _____ n. 决定 _____ v.注意到 _____ adj.迷路 _____ adj.合适的;恰当的 _____ adv.也(不) _____ adj.睡着的 _____ v.返回;归还 _____ adj.真实的;真正的 _____ adv. 真实地 _____ v.死;去世 _____ adj.富有的 _____ adj.准时的;准确的 _____ adv. 准确地、确实地 _____ adj.成功的 _____ adv. 成功地 _____ v.成功 _____ v.建造 过去式_____ 过去分词_____ _____ n.火;火灾 v. _____decision碗日期诗歌结婚篮子在…之上oncebecomedecide金子noticelostrighteitherasleepreturnrealreallydierichexactexactlysuccessfulsuccessfullysucceedbuildbuiltbuiltfire开除每日一测从前_____ 散步_____ 独自一人的_____ 拿起、捡起_____ in pieces_____ 指着..._____ 发现、查明_____ 决定做某事_____ 在某人几岁时_____ 世界各地_____ 入睡_____ 在河边_____1. 从前,Alice独自一人在森林里散步,然后迷路了。 _____ _____ a time, Alice_____ _____ a walk _____ _____ _____, then she got lost. 2. 在Julia19岁时,她去上大学了。 Julia went to college _____ _____ _____ _____ 19. 3. 福尔摩斯决定去查明这个案子的真相。 Sherlock Holmes _____ _____ _____ _____ the truth of this case. 4. 那对夫妇指着远处的风景,谈笑着。 The couple _____ _____ the sights far away, _____ and laughing. 5. 世界各地的人都庆祝新年。 People _____ _____ _____ all celebrate the New Year. 6. 尽管他很困,但却睡不着。 Although he was quite _____, he _____ _____ _____.once upon a timetake a walk/go for a walkon one’s ownpick up支离破碎point atfind outdecide to do sth.at the age ofaround the worldfall asleepby the riverOnce uponwent for on herownat the age ofdecided to find outpointed to talkingaround the world sleepy couldn’t fall asleepdie fire language marry poem rich successfulShakespeare (1) _____ in 1582 and had three children. He became famous around the world for his plays and you can see them in many different (2) _____.marriedlanguagesStep1:走进课本 7BM9 U2P62 Shakespeare also wrote (3) _____ as well. He was also a (4) _____ and (5) _____ actor. You can see his Globe Theatre in London today, but it’s not the same building. There was a (6) ____ in the old theatre and they built it again. He (7) _____ at the age of fifty-two.poemsfirediedrichsuccessful ★Step 2 话题重点语法突破。(注意时态的运用)1._____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____ 6._____ 7. _____ 8. _____ 9. _____ 10. _____shineitselfexcitedto bringallsteepedfeltbutherbecause of观察文章时态句,判断动词形式There was a young flower in the desert(沙漠)… It was growing by 1 ,… She was so 3 because… she wanted to do…A monkeyA turtle( ) 1. A. look at B. laugh at C. smile at D. point at ( ) 2. A. animals B. monkeys C. babies D. elephants ( ) 3. A. quick B. smart C. slow D. ugly ( ) 4. A. How B. What C. When D. Why ( ) 5. A. always B. somet ... ...

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