
内蒙古鄂尔多斯市康巴什新区第二中学2016届九年级英语中考复习:话题8 食物与健康 课件 (3份打包)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:32次 大小:2637244Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件24张PPT。轻松一刻完形:CDABA/DCABC 阅读:BCDCC/DADBB/ABDBA 情景交际:CEGAF 选词填空:living, found, to help, illness, cried, when, more, with, ourselves, which 句子:at least, help dancing saw playing, the fewer, you have played P54/P12/P13用….(材料)制成_____ 由…制成(材料可看出)_____ 由…制成(材料看不出)_____ 手工制成_____ 2. Do as the Romans do _____ 3. 困的,想睡的,adj._____ 熟睡的,adj._____ ,睡眠,n _____ 4. 这就是….的原因_____ 5. 太….以至于不能….._____; _____每日一测 be made with be made of be made from by handsleepyasleepsleepThat’s why…too…toso…that入乡随俗6.那就是他上新闻的原因。 _____ _____ he is on the news. 7.为了将来某天把宇航员送上火星,许多科学家正在努力工作。 Lots of scientists are working hard _____ _____ _____ send astronauts to Mars one day. 8.你应该停止吸烟,因为它对你的身体有害。 You should stop smoking , because it’s _____ _____ your health. 9. 这题太难了我做不出来。 The problem is _____ difficult _____ work out. The problem is_____ difficult_____ I can’t work it out. 10.我爷爷80岁高龄了,但还很健康。 Although my grandpa is 80, he is _____ _____ _____.That’s whyin order to harmful to /bad for too to so that in excellent conditionP21--P23Step3: eaten, ate, eat, eating healthy, healthy, health, healthily importance , important, active, activities 5. sleeps, sleepy, slept, asleep, sleep 6. invitation, invited, invited 7. West, Western, Westerners 8. Children’s, children 9. illness/ill 10. well, well, good, better, best话题语法回顾学习目标 1.三会重点单词、短语(前置)。 2.语法:(1)理解现在完成时表达的含义,并能在情境中做出正确的判断。(2)能辨析since,for在现在完成时中的运用。 2、通过阅读材料,积累关于本话题的语料。 3、阅读技能训练:细节阅读题、主旨题。2016中考备战8.2Food, drinks and healthillness What’s the matter with you? …Into the text discomfort (身体不适)illness sore throat hungryWhat’s the matter with you? tiredstressed outthirstyweak sleepy nervousworried … upset…I haven’t done much exercise since I got my computer.healthy living1. Health is better than wealth.健康胜于财富。 2. Early to bed and early to raise, make a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起令人健康、富有而且聪明。 3. Health is the first wealth.健康是人生第一财富。 4. Health is happiness. 健康就是幸福。 ▲健康的重要性。 ▲对于健康的建议。 ▲参考谚语 小练笔现在完成时强化62. In the second paragraph, we know _____. A. a good habit of running may help you live longer B. the number of non-runners was getting smaller C. three quarters of 55,000 adults were new to running D. the hope to live three years longer drives people to exercise 63. Increases in distance or speed depend on _____. A. what the fitness experts say B. whether you have the best shoes C. how your body feels D. why you start running 2015年宜昌64. The purpose of taking notes is to _____. A. remind you of where to have new shoes B. help you find the way of running that fits you C. take a rest between running days D. help you do some research on exercise 65. The passage is wri ... ...

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