
2017届牛津译林版英语高三一轮总复习课件:模块2 Unit 2 Wish you were here

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:31次 大小:2702468Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件132张PPT。【答案】 1.arrange 安排 2.desert沙漠;抛弃 3.altogether总共 4.defence 防御;保护 5.explore 探索;勘探 6.announce 宣布,宣称 7.afterwards 后来,然后 8.scare使恐惧 9.supply 提供 10.tower 高耸,超过;塔 11.reflect反射;反映 12.view 观看;观点 13.advance 前进;进步 14.wander 漫游;徘徊 15.schedule计划 16.publish 出版 17.include包含,包括 18.surrounding包围的 19.reach实现,达成 20.bury 埋葬;埋藏 21.cattle 牛【答案】 1.in advance 2.be worth doing 3.listen for 4.in total 5.present sth. to sb. 6.take pictures / photographs 7.begin with 8.scare away 9.supply sth. to sb. /supply sb. with sth. 10.up close 11.in harmony with 12.in case 13.tower over 14.refer to 15.at a loss  16.at the foot of the mountain 17.be home to 18.win the name of【答案】1.lived with her grandma in the countryside; whatever grandma wanted / told her to; farming and housework 2.There is / I have; homework to do; it is impossible for me to help you right now 3.How; my parents stayed / would stay / would be / could stay / could be young foreverhave arranged to meet herIn view oftopay attentionturnbe usedget down look forwardstickdevoteleadobjectadjustcontributeworthworthyworthyworthwhileworthwhilewithcommoncompanylineloveagreementconflict1.去往哪里;为什么去 2.人员安排 3.旅行时间 4.相关信息比如费用等 5.相关旅行活动安排

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