
Unit 6 Where are you going? Section A 课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:72次 大小:2940090Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件14张PPT。 Unit6 Where are you going? 你要去哪里?/你打算去哪里?Let’s sing a song!Little Tiger,littleTiger; Run so fast,run so fast; Tell me Where are you going? Tell me Where are you going? let me know, let me know.表示“是”be动词的用法Be的用法口诀 ??I(我)用am; you(你)用are, is连着he(他),she(她),it(它); ?单数名词用is, 复数名词全用are。 ??gardenWhere are you going? I am going to the garden.6super+market=supermarket-Where are you going?-I'm going to the supermarket.7-Where are you going?-I’m going to the library.Where are you going?I’m going to the swimming pool.Swimming pool--Where are you going? --I am going to the …-Where is he going?-He is going to the bookshop.--Where is she going? --She is going to the park. Where are they going?They're going to the swimming pool.-Where are they going?-They are going to school.Practices. 1.你打算去哪里? Where are they going? 2.他们打算去哪里? Where are they going? 3.他们要去游泳池。 They are going to the swimming pool. 4. Where is he going? 他打算去哪里? 5.She is going to the library. 她打算去图书馆。 Thank you Thank you!

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