

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:38次 大小:1746742Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2016-2017年度(上学期)九年级期末调研试题 英语试卷 题号 四五六 总分 得分 第I卷 单项选择,根据语境选择最佳答案(本题共20分,每小题1分) )1. There is h"in the word dishonest. Dont forget the letter when you spell the word )2. The mother and her son walked for three days and they arrived at the wise man's home.They thought only the wise man able to help the boy. B can C. was )3. He felt very sad to miss such an important meeting and B )4. Ify being an athlete, go to practice instead of sitting in front of the Tv set and watching others every day. B. dream of C promise to )5. Mrs Grand was very fat and felt difficult to breathe. The doctor said she should too much sugar and fat. A, eating B. to eat C. and eat )6. South Korea and the USA in August, 2016 that they had decided to deploy a4)THAAD in South Korea. That was a very bad decision. Chinese people are hat and many people have canceled their travelling plans to South Korea and America A. said, fo B agreed, disagree C announced, against )7. Psychologists think that they can cure depression by having patients people not themselves. A. keep up with )8.-Have you seen the movie tite Great Wall yet Yes. My cousin and I to see it last Sunday. But I dont like it. B have been )9. More and more students their mobile phones to listen to music after class. A. are using B. used to C. are used to )10.--How long did you wait for Jenny yesterday evening Two hours and fifteen. She had a break between two lessons A fifteen-minutes B fifteen-minute C. fifteen minute )11.--Do we need to go shopping this afternoon meat left in the fridge, But I don't know how wine left A. a little, much B, a little, many C. few, much 九年英语第1页(共8页)

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