

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:10次 大小:2403344Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    四川射洪县2017高考英语二轮综合训练题(32)及答案 训练 __完形填空+阅读理解+语法填空+微写作 (时间:35分钟) Ⅰ.完形填空 体裁 记叙文 难度 词数 256   Don't let Aurora's small stature(身材)fool you—her spirit is strong.She is one of 140 chickens __1__ from a farm.When we saved her,she was tiny and sick and it seemed __2__ that she would survive.Having never got the right __3__,many of the chickens were sick and some __4__ died. At a young a ge,Aurora and her sisters and brothers were __5__ by their mum.Luckily,another mother __6__ their care.Aurora seemed the last to __7__ food and attention.She grew at a much slower __8__ than her brothers and sisters.Everything seemed __9__ her. At the young age of seven months,Aurora had lost two mums and was __10__ to find a place with the other chickens. Aurora __11__ found comfort with an old chicken named Margaret,staying under her wings during the cold nights,__12__ Margaret was so old that a few months later she died.Aurora,in her own way,thought of Margaret.Every evening,you would find her in the __13__ spot where she kept Margaret company.__14__ when the other chickens tried to __15__ her away,Aurora came back. As Aurora grew,we be came __16__ at her love to simply live.Nothing __17__ her. So remember,when lif e seems so __18__ that you can't take it,think of Aurora.She has lost two mums,watched her sisters and brothers die,and __19__ from serious illnesses.Yet she enjoys the small,sweet __20__ life has offered—safety,food,warmth and good friendships. 1.A.raised B.purchased C.rescued D.collected 2.A.hopeful B.proper C.possible D.unlikely 3.A.touch B.care C.gift D.partner 4.A.sadly B.angrily C.coldly D.calmly 5.A.punished B.refused C.abandoned D.scolded 6.A.took on B.put forward C.looked after D.brought about 7.A.get B.eat C.draw D.offer 8.A.cost B.rate C.standard D.value 9.A.for B.around C.about D.against 10.A.arranging B.choosing C.struggling D.affording 11.A.lately B.eventually C.constantly D.frequently 12.A.unless B.so C.because D.but 13.A.same B.relevant C.similar D.normal 14.A.Still B.Thus C.Even D.Yet 15.A.clear B.put C.turn D.push 16.A.nervous B.amazed C.excited D.disappointed 17.A.helped B.attracted C.impressed D.stopped 18.A.tough B.different C.smooth D.boring 19.A.waked B.made C.recovered D.learned 20.A.chances B.pleasures C.dreams D.services Ⅱ.阅读理解 题材 时文报道 难度 词数 303   Students from Florida International University in Miami walked on water Thursday for a class assignment.To do it,they wore aquatic(水上的)shoes they designed and created. Alex Quinones was t he first to make it to the other side of a 175 foot lake on campus in record time—just over a minute.Quinones,who wore oversized boat like shoes,also won last year and will receive $500.Students had to wear the aquatic shoes and make it across the lake in order to earn an A in the assignment of Architecture Professor ... ...

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