
四年级英语上册教案 Module 4 Unit 1(4)(外研版)

日期:2024-06-06 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:52次 大小:13067Byte 来源:二一课件通
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本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com 外研版英语四年级上册 Module 4 Unit 1What are they doing I. Learning aims and demands(学习目标与要求): 1. Knowledge aims(知识目标): ①Function: Talking about the activities that people are doing in the park. ②Words: Let’s, get on, lots of, interesting, thing, look at, people, park, lake, row, boat, men, chess, drink, hungry. ③Sentences: Look at the people/men …….What are they doing They are doing……. 2.Ability aims (能力目标): To develop “listening, speaking, reading, writing” skills. 3.Feeling aims(情感目标): Arouse the Ss to know about “Dragon boat festival”and “taijiquan”. II.Important points(重点): Look at the people/men …….What are they doing They are doing……. III.Difficult points(难点): Read the sentence “We can see lots of interesting things.” IV. Aids preparation(学具准备): CD-ROM, word cards, multimedia. V.Lead learning process(辅导训练): Step 1 Warming-up(热身) Greetings. T: Class begins! M: Stand up! T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Liu. T:Nice to see you. Ss: Nice to see you, too. Sing a song: “I am listening to music.” Listen and do the actions. Take a picture/ read a book/write a letter/listen to music……. Step 2 Pre-task(任务呈现) Ppt shows some single person pictures and ask: What’s he\she doing (Help them to say) He /She is doing taijiquan, playing chess, rowing a dragon boat, drinking soybean milk. Get the Ss to practice several times. T: Today ,I’d like to ask you to talk about these pictures. Look, in these pictures, there are many people. What are they doing (Ppt shows the pictures, and helps them to say) S: They are doing taijiquan/rowing a dragon boat/playing chess /drinking soybean milk. Get them to practice in pairs. Step 3 While-task(任务实施) Ppt shows a picture of a bus. And ask: What are the people doing (Help them to say)They are getting on the bus. Teach “get on the bus, let’s get on the bus.” T: Daming asks Amy to get on the bus. What do they see Let’s listen. Finish Part1. Listen and ask the Ss to find “look at”. Listen again and find the questions: “What are they doing What are they drinking ” Listen again and answer the questions: What are they doing What are they drinking Some people are dong Taijiquan,where are they Some people are rowing boat, where are they 引导学生得出答案in the park\on the lake\under the tree. Listen and repeat. Practice. Drill. Step 4 Post-task(完成运用任务) Finish 3. Get the Ss to work in groups. Ask several to act, and then ask and answer like: A: What are they doing B: They are doing taijiquan. Step 5 Summary(巩固生成) Today we have learned how to ask what they are doing. We can read them together. What are they doing They are doing taijiquan. They are rowing a dragon boat. They are playing chess. They are drinking soybean milk. Step 6 Homework(拓展与延伸) Read the text directly. Copy the words 3 times. Blackboard writing: Module 4 In the park Unit 1 What are the ... ...

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