

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:48次 大小:2681970Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    辽宁新民市2017高考英语二轮阅读理解优编题(二)及参考答案 (2016高考训练)阅读下列材料,从每题所给的选项中选出最佳选项。 体裁:科普文 话题:科学世界 词数:360 时间:8′ Several year s after it was introduced to the world,the advanced Japanese robot Asimo is still serving only as an experimentation.Even if available for the market,it would be too expensive for ordinary families. It is much easier and cheaper to build a robot like Jibo,which uses simple movements and has the ability to interact with people through sound,pictures and touch. Massachusetts Insti tute of Technology researcher Cynthia Breazeal created Jibo first as a tool for exploring how people communicate with technology. “Jibo as a robot is something that can move,with cameras that can move and see you and interact with you like a living thing,so to speak.It can bring satisfaction to life off the screen in an entirely new way,” explained Brezeal. Jibo can remind you about appointments,take photos,entertain people and tell stories to children.It also has touch-sensitive(触感的) technology. “People often commun icate through touch,so they might pat Jibo if it does something that they like and Jibo can actually learn from that,” said Breazeal. Doctors at Amici d i Nico Autism Center,in Lecce,Italy,use a small talking robot to treat autistic (孤独症) children. 11-year-old Marco has shown great improvement in focusing and communication since he started playing with the robot that carefully keeps track of the child's behavior,said engineer Giuseppe Palestra. “We would like to be one step ahead of state of the art,so that we can make the human-robot interaction better,” said Palestra. Researchers say t hey want to develop robots that can be programmed for individual patients,because each child reacts differently to outside information. French researc her Pierre Lebeau's family robot Keecker was designed as an entertainment robot that can follow its owner around. “I came up wit h the idea of a computer with a projector (投影仪) inside and a great sound system and a camera,something that can move and go to any room to give me a kind of TV-like experience,but anywhere I want without the cables(电缆),”said Lebeau. Researchers say robots intended for entertainment may soon be on the market with prices ranging from about $500 to $5,000—still expensive for ordinary buyers.Medical robots are still in the experimental period but they too point to what we can expect from artificial intelligence (人工智能) in the near future. 【语篇解读】 民用机器人有望在不久的将来走入普通家庭。 1.Asimo hasn't come on the market mainly because it _____. A.is too expensive B.lacks too many functions C.needs improvement D.is actually not a success 答案 C [推理判断题。根据第一段“. ..the advanced Japanese robot Asimo is still serving only as an experimentation.”可知,这个机器人仍处于实验阶段,由此可推知它还需要改进。] 2.What do you know about Jibo A.It was created for ... ...

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