
湖南株洲市2017高考英语二轮阅读理解训练精题及答案 (共10份打包)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:40次 大小:1458087Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    株洲市2017高考英语阅读理解(二轮)精编精练题含答案 【2016模拟题】阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 No one is glad to hear that his body has to be cut open by a surgeon (外科医生) and part of it taken out. Today, however, we needn't worry about feeling pain during the operation. The sick person falls into a kind of sleep, and when he awakes, the operation is finished. But these happy conditions are fairly new. It is not many years since a man who had to have an operation felt all its pain. Long ago, an op eration had usually to be done while the sick man could feel everything. The sick man had to be held down on a table by force while the doctors did their best for him. He could feel all the pain if his leg or arm was being cut off, and his fearful cries filled the room and the hearts of those who watched. Soon after 1770, Josept Priestley discovered a gas which is now called “laughing gas”. Laughing gas became known in America. Young men and women went to parties to try it. Most of them spent their time laughing. But one man at a party, Horace Wells noticed that people didn't seem to feel pain when they were using this gas. He decided to make an experiment on himself. He asked a friend to help him. Wells took some of the gas, and his friend pulled out one of Wells' teeth. Wells felt no pain at all. As he didn't know enou gh about laughing gas, he gave a man less gas than he should have. The man cried out with pain when his tooth was being pulled out. Wells tried a gain, but this time he gave too much of the gas, and the man died. Wells never forgot this terrible event. 1. Long ago,when the sick man was operated on ,he _____. A. could feel nothing B. could not want anything C. Could feel all the pain D. Could do anything 2. Using the laughing gas, the people did not seem to _____. A. be afraid of anything B. feel pain C. want to go to the parties D. be ill 3. If a man took le ss laughing gas than he should have when an operation went on, he _____. A. felt nothing B. felt very comfortable C. still felt pain D. would die 4.One who took too much of the laughing gas _____. A. would laugh all the time B. would die C. would never feel pain D. would be very calm 参考答案1—4 CBCB 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 2014高考训练 The World Hea lth Organization and several other United Nations agencies are calling for a major new effort to fight malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS. These three infectious diseases killed almost 6 million people last year. That is about 10 percent of the total number of deaths around the world last year. The WHO and UN ag encies released a new report at the World Economic Forum in New York City earlier this month. The document says that deaths around the world from malaria and tuberculosis could be cut in half by the year 2010. It also says the number of deaths from AIDS could be reduced 25 percent within that same time period. The report is called “Calling Up the ... ...

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