
Unit 2 Wonderful holidays Lesson 13 课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:87次 大小:2662646Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件18张PPT。 Unit 2 Wonderful holidaysLesson 13 Let’s learn…Father’s DayFather’s Day falls on the third Sunday in June.It is a day to show thanks to our dear fathers.On Father’s Day, we can give gifts to our fathers.We can buy small gifts like socks, ties or shirts for our fathers.We can make Happy Father’s Day cards.We can also do some special things to show love to our fathers.For example, we can cook food our father like.We can help take out the trash and wash the dishes.Don’t forget to say “Happy Father’s Day” and “Thank you, Dad” to your father.Don’t forget to give your father a big hug!What do you learn from this story? Talk with your friends.Game Time!记忆大比拼!老师将单词卡片按照随意 顺序摆好,学生记忆, 之后老师随意打 乱顺序,学生根 据记忆将单词还原。Homework1.Remember these new words. 2.Read the dialogue to your parents. Thank You!

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