
牛津译林版高中英语Module 3 Unit 1 The world of our senses Reading 课件+素材

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:35次 大小:9148988Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件84张PPT。 Unit 1 The world of our sensesReading 模块三How to describe the weather?Are you familiar with the forecast sign for different weather? Look at the following signs and guess.sunnycloudyovercastrainydrizzlyshowersfoggystormysnowyFog What’s the weather like in these pictures?ask for helpblindaccidentfear fogget lostdangerconfuseWhat can you think of when the word “fog” is mentioned? 1.What is the story about? A young lady in the fog. At 86 King Street.2.Where did Polly live?3. Who helped Polly?4.What was the old man carrying? An old blind man. A stick. The fog was very thick in the morning. When she got to Green Park, the weather turned out to be fine. 3. Polly got to Green Park by train. 4. The old man carried an umbrella in his hand. 5. At first Polly thought the old man couldn’t see her face because he was blind. 6. After arriving at home, Polly invited the old man to her home for a rest and he agreed.FFTFFFTrue or false Questions and answers 1. Why did Polly leave work early? 2. Why did Polly take the Underground to Green park? 3. What was the weather like outside the train station?Because there was a thick fog that afternoon and she wondered if the bus would still be running in the fog.Because it was too foggy for the bus to go to King Street.The fog lay like a thick, grey cloud.4 According to lines 20, what made Polly afraid? 5. According to line 33, what did the man look like? 6. How could the man tell that Polly was young?The rough hand that brushed her face, and the man’s voice that was close to her ear made Polly afraid.He looked old and had a beard.He could tell Polly was young from her voice.Put these events in the correct order.1. Polly took the Underground to Green Park . 2. An old man took Polly’s hand. 3. A hand reached out and grazed Polly’s arm. 4. Polly thanked the blind man. 5. A tall man in a dark coat was watching Polly. 6. Polly and the old man turned left at the crossroads.2653977. Polly felt frightened when a rough hand brushed her face. 8. Polly got to King Street safely. 9. Polly left the office at four o’clock. 10. The old man went to help others . 48110forecast a. a feeling of being freed from worry 2. fare b. pay attention to; be careful about 3. narrow c. the money you paid to travel on a bus, train, plane,etc 4. stare d. make a statement about what will happen in the future. 5. watch out for e. not wide 6. relief f. look at someone or something for a long time Word studyFill in the following chart using the information you find in the story Fog to check your understanding of the story.Part Place Time & weather Person What happened Polly's thought or feeling Part 1 Part 2 Outside Polly's work place Polly She left work early. She wondered if the bus would still be running. at the bus stop in the street later Polly; the bus condu- ctor The fog was too thick for the bus to run to King Street, where Polly lived. \At 4 p.m. foggyPart Place Time & weather PersonWhat happened Polly's thought or feeling ... ...

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